What I meant to say was that ODST came with mappacks released before ODST was released. The Halo CEA mappack is all new maps as in it doesn't come with pre-released content like the noble or defiant dlcs.
My favorite maps would be Lockout (close quarters), Pinnacle (Mid-range), and Blood Gulch (Long-range). Idk why they're my favorite maps just like their classic feel.
Haha good thinking. So how would you unlock this lol?
I got another one -
You need a weapon?
Takes away all guns/grenades/turrets/vehicle weapons from the Reach campaign.
Unlocked by beating a campaign level without using any weapons.
Halo 4um I don't get it.
*Says it a couple of times*
*Gets it as slow smile starts to form on face*
Has a sudden urge to post something on this amazing thread.