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xUnH0Ly xKiLLeR

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Everything posted by xUnH0Ly xKiLLeR

  1. GT: xUnH0Ly xKiLLeR Timezone: Pacific I usually play around 12-2 p.m. or so.
  2. Did you know that your thumb is the same length as your nose?
  3. Watsup TJ! See you around on the forums
  4. Personally, I'm not going to judge the game untill it comes out and untill I have actually played it. But nice idea!
  5. That controller + console looks so sweet! Completely kicks the crap out of my xbox elite. that> <mine
  6. I didnt even know that you can preorder CEA yet! Sweeeeet
  7. just because i have a hotel in my foot that don't make me a boogily moogily moogily! stop laughing at me flying avacodo I has translated! Now can i haz cookies?
  8. This is actually a neat idea for people who don't like playing with AA.
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