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xUnH0Ly xKiLLeR

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Everything posted by xUnH0Ly xKiLLeR

  1. Mine would be around Rebbeca Black's "Friday" or maybe a Justin Bieber? What do you think? Lol on a serious note, here's mine -
  2. Really? I have never noticed that, but it's kind of like the oracle's weapon laser thing.
  3. Arent there certain gametypes that do let you use AA while carrying the objective? Like speedflag?
  4. This sounds like a resonable way to prevent AA spamming and the such, but then you wouldn't be able to use AA in gametypes where you have no shields (griffball, etc.). And then you would have to wait till your shields recharge AND till your AA recharges to use the AA again. I say that they just increase the time it takes to recharge the AAs.
  5. Suddenly, the infected pink elephant...
  6. Ok, there was a similar topic on B.net forums. Thought I would post one here. Here's the link to the original - Original Thread Rules Create a Skull, make a description of what it does, and say where it would be found in the Reach campaign. Multiple skulls are allowed. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here's mine. Dodge This! All melee hits become an assassination, regardless of if it's from behind or not. Appears in the level Lone Wolf after you assassinate 100 enemies (in that mission). Be Creative! Ready? Go!
  7. Xbox distracted the flood, making...
  8. I agree that some of Reach's changes aren't all that great, but that doesn't mean the WHOLE game is bad.
  9. Hey whatsup I actually have a modded/hacked PSP which I used to play, but now I just usually go on Xbox. See you around on the Forums! (Someone want to move this to Intros/Goodbyes?)
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