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Everything posted by TheBritishSpartan

  1. It's halo CEA, It clearly says CEA with cea artwork, Proof : Just Google The Master Chief collection into Google and there is tons of official images of the lobby with CEA, Promo images with CEA
  2. Well, We haven't really seen many [ If any ] forerunner guns. Just the Anti-Flood Promethean weapons [ I believe they're designed to be Anti-Flood, citation needed] But if I had to pick out of them, I'd go for the binary rifle, 1 shot kill beast all the way.
  3. This would be awesome, I want FULL control over the way my spartan looks. [ British flags, yus. ]
  4. Falcon? Come on, Think bigger. Online [ Forge, Etc ] pelicans! Forerunners don't even use vehicles do they? Don't they y'know have star ships, Teleporting etc.
  5. My brother has his sword, and I have my mind

  6. TheBritishSpartan


    343i : I think we have to make someone disappear...
  7. Oh, I'm not talking about the way it looks no one denies the PC will look better. I'm talking about the port itself, as in how it runs on the PC, If they take the time to give you propper settings PC games should have, etc. Which I hear can be quite the problem, When devs just ignores these things.
  8. I suppose it would be fun, Though it wouldn't feel much like halo just a new IP with halo assets. They would need to make sure they don't remove the core of halo.
  9. Didn't you play halo 4? You just put a stupid promethean grenade that is crap into him, He then falls into his own thing, Meaning his own thingy is his own thingy cause he's the Didact meaning as hes a thingy he has won and lived beause hes a thingy. Hope I hepled
  10. Even if it does come to PC It'll be a terrible port most likely, Even if they it would have to be a 'High Quality' version.
  11. Lol, I don't fully support the message since I believe in peace with all companies. But that video was quite entertaining and gave me a smile.
  12. I can't wait! This will reunite the halo community onto a single disc, Playing the games we loved and miss, One moment playing some halo 2 the next halo 3 ( 4/CE ) Great custom games, forge etc. And the overall remake of the way halo 2 looks will be nice. <3 343i <3 Microsoft
  13. They better not be gameplay changing, And just to make guns look cool... I don't want halo to be a aiming down sight game like CoD or Titanfall
  14. People get upset, Always look on the bright side of life :)

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Looking on the brightside isn't the best option , using your intellect and learning how to cope or deal with it to try and stop yourself from being negative in the first place completely rules it out.

    2. TheBritishSpartan


      What the frak are you on? I'm calling the cops.

  15. Wow, Microsoft wasn't lying, Games games games. Now it's sonys and Nintendo's move, Can't wait
  16. I hate Microsoft ! instead of new games they just released a halo 2 PC, :(

  17. My assassins creed Speculation is that theres gonna be Assassins! Cause if you look at all the art, They seem to be assassins and not pirates! I know, This is crazy Ubisoft making an Assassin game about Assassins instead of pirates.
  18. Forget X-Mas! E3 is the best time of the year!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twinreaper


      So you would rather hear about upcoming games, then actually getting them? Makes sense...

    3. TheBritishSpartan


      I don't get games for X-Mas I buy them when they release them. So it makes quite a lot of sense.

    4. HIWBC


      Twinreaper hahaha :)!

  19. Godzilla? More like Godteaser

  20. I don't think chief would destroy every single human in the galaxy just to save cortana, I don't think chief would have it in him. Destroy the thing he's been fighting to protect or save a single A.I Who he's also been fighting to protect, I think it would destroy chief even more on a personal level knowing he was the one who ended the life of every Man, Woman and child in the galaxy for cortana 2. The survival of the humans and the loss of Cortanna I choose this not only using numbers but what it would do to chief knowing he killed everyone he saved before Kill UNSC / ONI Spartans, Marines, Ships etc while trying to save Cortana? Yes.
  21. Dark souls is easy! -Kills zombie. Then meets fat demon- Dark souls is awful -Throws xbox away-

  22. We? You keep saying we. I'm going to buy halo 5 and 6 so are many other fans I also enjoyed spartan-ops even though it was fairly basic, Playing co-op with friends makes everything better. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean the world agrees with you. 343i did a great job on their first propper halo game imo, I can't wait to see what guardians does. You clearly aren't much of a halo fan either, By quitting the entire series because of spartan-ops on one game that you don't have to even play. Bye, Please never buy another halo game then. The world might be a better place.
  23. Well, Does making an army of elephants on team deathmatch with no other unit and winning count? I found it quite funny, He was a newb though.
  24. Never got into Red Dead. Controls and overall gameplay wasn't my thing, Though that may be due to fact I played it on a PS3 with that horrible controller. never played Bioshock.Borderlands though... I just feel that will become a milking series soon enough, I hope they just spend their time on these games instead of milking them forever. I just hope permanent franchise doesn't mean we will see them over and over again with barely any improvements, I want new games! I'm editting this alot, I keep messing it up somehow, Colours chaning text not in the right place,
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