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Everything posted by arnkel

  1. Having just finished the single player Halo 4 game (I don't PVP, I just like the Halo storyline, and prior to Halo 4, I've only ever played Halo 1-3), I signed up for this forum specifically to post what I'd like to see (and not see) in Halo 5. 1) Get rid of the Prometheans, or make them flesh and blood. The whole Robot/AI/"digital intelligence" thing is just . . . unsatisfying. The covenant is fun to kill because well, probably because I'm a horrible person and the idea of a family of grunts holding a funeral for a slain member that I ran down and melee-ed to death because they aren't worth wasting the ammo to kill them just makes me giggle. The Flood was fun to kill because an invasive parasitic organism that causes you to rise as a zombie offers a primal fear against disease to fight against. I realize it's all pixels, but it's still less fun to destroy robots unless they have established personalities like Guilty Spark, Glados, or the Transformers. Having said that, please don't take the low hanging fruit by making Cortana one of the villains of Halo 5. 2) FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ADD MORE COMEDIC RELIEF! Angst and tension are fine in small amounts but this is a game about being a superhuman space marine playing alien shoot em up. The cowardly grunts, just about every word out of Sgt Johnson, Cortana's wit, and the fact that the gravemind looked like the plant monster from little shop of horrors kept the games from getting too serious. Halo 4 had some humor, but I would like to see a return to Halo 1 & 2 levels of humor in Halo 5. You can leave the ultra-seriousness and teenager levels of dramatic angst to other, lesser, game franchises. 3) Please make the single player game longer than 8 hours to complete on normal difficulty. I realize that's probably not going to happen, but I'm finding it harder and harder to justify spending the amount of money I spend on groceries for an entire month on a game if it has so little offline single player content. 4) On an entirely cosmetic note, please bring back the shiny blue plasma rifles. They were pretty, and I miss them.
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