Are any of you up for some Halo Reach Invasion on Breakpoint? If so please message me on Skype, AIM or Xbox Live. I would prefer Xbox live. I am planning to host it on Monday, May 26, 2014 from 5:00PM-7:30PM Central Time.
Gamertag: XGN FiReBaLl
Hey all I was wondering if any of you guys wanted to join a Halo 3 gamenight sometime in the near future? I would prefer that you have all the map packs, a decent mic, and maybe a friend or two.
I am planning to have a Halo 3 gamenight Friday or Saturday starting at 7:00 Central Time.
Just post a reply here with your gamertag if you want to join and I wull send you a message on xbox. See you then!
If you don't know already, there is this one program called Xbox Connect, or XBC for short. It is a program that runs on your PC and it tricks your xbox into thinking it's on a lan network but it's really online.
If anyone want to join just add me on Skype or reply on here. I will be hosting some XBC Halo 2 games some time next weekend. Maybe some Halo CE XBC games too.
A full tutorial: