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Blue and White Puff Reach

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Everything posted by Blue and White Puff Reach

  1. That is the case with every Halo except Halo 2, 3, and 4... Am I right?
  2. Interactive forge pieces like a opening door or gate? moving pieces too...
  3. Yes I do the one with the Covie Bomb? I do have that one, I was planning on using it!
  4. When I'm normally on the Anniversary Multiplayer it has 400+ for the slayer playlist and 100+ for the firefight, its quite active...
  5. It's on Monday, May 26, 2014 from 5:00PM-7:30PM Central Time, so you've got time... : )
  6. Just to let everyone know this gamenight is open to anyone with the noble map pack
  7. Are any of you up for some Halo Reach Invasion on Breakpoint? If so please message me on Skype, AIM or Xbox Live. I would prefer Xbox live. I am planning to host it on Monday, May 26, 2014 from 5:00PM-7:30PM Central Time. Gamertag: XGN FiReBaLl
  8. I am up for Halo Wars whenever I can, most of my friends have the DLC so I highly recommend you get them. Gamertag: XGN FiReBaLl
  9. Hey all I was wondering if any of you guys wanted to join a Halo 3 gamenight sometime in the near future? I would prefer that you have all the map packs, a decent mic, and maybe a friend or two. I am planning to have a Halo 3 gamenight Friday or Saturday starting at 7:00 Central Time. Just post a reply here with your gamertag if you want to join and I wull send you a message on xbox. See you then!
  10. I play every so often, as for clans... I haven't been involved with them lately.
  11. If you don't know already, there is this one program called Xbox Connect, or XBC for short. It is a program that runs on your PC and it tricks your xbox into thinking it's on a lan network but it's really online. If anyone want to join just add me on Skype or reply on here. I will be hosting some XBC Halo 2 games some time next weekend. Maybe some Halo CE XBC games too. A full tutorial:
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