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Everything posted by KillerkorbinProductions

  1. Hello i am KillerKorbin117 a new machinima director in the Halo community and i am looking for Body/Voice actors so if you want to appluy here is the Application format: Your Xbox Live GT: Do you want to Body Act, Voice Act, Or Both: What is your Halo: Reach/Halo 4 rank: How Old are you (u can msg me through xbox live if u dont want to share in public) So yeah if you want to join post a reply here or message me on xbox live (GT: KillerKorbin117) and if you want to check out my YouTube Channel: :right:https://www.youtube.com/user/Killerkorbin :left: Peace!
  2. Hello this is KillerKorbin117 here with my new clan i am recruiting for my new clan on halo reach Requirements: -You must be a captain on halo reach Recommended: -You have an Xbox Mic Here is the application format: Your Xbox live gamertag: Your Halo:Reach Rank: What division you would like to be in: Divisions 5: ODST Army ODST Recon ODST Raider ODST Demolitions/Heavy Weapons ODST (i forget now) Have a nice day! -KillerKorbin117
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