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Everything posted by CHRISTPUNCHER18

  1. I haven't read all of the replies, so soz if this has already been said Make it like Fallout:3/NV and have a whole galaxy to explore. Over 10 000 square KM of free roam-able world overall. That's it right now...
  2. Hhmmmm... The person above me doesn't have anything nice I can say about them. The person below me is a biohazard threat that we must quarantine immediately.
  3. A birthday is the end of a level and you get: New skill points for youre skill tree New missions Unlocks Anyone following?
  4. Break into EB games and get every game I want...
  5. Well, there are a few hairs... Person above me likes being noticed (giant sig). Person below me spys on me in the shower... YOU CREEP!
  6. 3rd person playlist. end of discussion.
  7. no ****! its MADDA CHEEB! HE DUAL WIELDS!
  8. I despise God/Jesus/whatever, and 18 is my lucky number. isn't that enough?
  9. the person above me is talking about my mask(its pretty creepy!) and the person below me has a toe infection which makes his toe look like a chicken leg!
  10. huh, it seems it hasnt worked on anyone so far... (I didnt luagh either)
  11. NOT a capture card, I mean like Microsoft word except more like this. <[it's Fallout 3 BTW.
  12. What is a good free tool that lets you make walkthroughs etc.?
  13. Well, they are both good for different reasons... Halo: Pros:Aliens, Futuristic, I could go on for years but lets just say better. Cons:NO ZOMBIES! COD: Pros:ZOMBIES! weapon customization, etc. Cons: **** coding for everything.
  14. Sprint and possibly evade should be the only one's kept...
  15. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
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