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Everything posted by Ranger17

  1. I was playing Halo 3 ODST for the first time and came up with a grand Idea that should be put into the Halo 5 Multiplayer! IDEA: We always play as Spartans, what if we had to EARN our way to be a Spartan? So here is where everything comes into play: Everyone Starts off with what Race they want to be. Human or Covenant: If you choose the Covenant you start off as a Grunt. At Rank 5 you become a Jackal, at Rank 10 you become a Jackal Sniper, Rank 20 you become a Elite, at Rank 40 you become a Hunter and at Rank 60 You become General of The Elites. If you choose Human you start off as a Soldier, (where you enter the game in a Pelican), by Rank 20 you become ODST (Where you start off in the Forward Unto Dawn where you choose your weapon loadout in the Armory 1 Primary and either a 2nd Primary or a Side-Arm, Then you make your way to a drop pod where you will hit the (X) button and begin your orbital drop in your own pacific location on the Map to begin your Assault). By Rank 40 you begin Spartan Training as a Spartan Operative (Which comes with your basic Jet Pack, Camouflage, & Sprint) and by Rank 60 you become an Actual Spartan. While in the game. If a game comes full you have the option to become Commander of the Covenant or the Humans. How does this work? When you are commander you have the Options to call in Orbital Strikes that can wipe out an entire unit with-in 20-50 meters. The option to re-enforce your team & The option to call in Pelicans or Covenant Cruisers to bring in Vehicles and NPC's to use or assist you. The Highest Ranking Player on the team will be the one that will be able to use Commander. Some might think this will be copyright from DICE; creator of Battlefield . But it is not. It's something far more better. To add to this, Don't do what bungie did Which was Small Maps - But instead add Medium to Large Based Maps and as for FORGE MODE allow the gamers to spend/use more money and whatever you use to make your maps, allow us to use the same amount of space you do. One last thing, for the Vehicles. We should be able to use and fly (Pelicans and Covenant Drop Ships) Halo 5 or Halo 6 for Xbox One/PS4 would be the Best Halo game out, especially if you were able to do 4-8 players Storyline!
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