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Everything posted by WatsItFoxSixx

  1. Would IGN photoshop this? http://www.halopedian.com/images/6/6c/New_helmet.jpg Bungie and 343 being themselves they can make any helmet and any armor effect they want. Weather they want to add it to the armory for us is a different story. Adding armor to the Armory is only a matter of an Update. Case and point. Back in the day when Lt.Col was max rank. Everything after it was Unavailable. Then the Update and all sudden the rest was Unlocked. For all we know. The next update could add new Ranks and new Armor. Further more you've seen videos of people with Jtag xbox's with no Updates onto their xbox. (Don't try to say they have Updated Xbox. The new dash was design to Detect and Ban and Disable J-Tags.)And a good chance with that account they have not killed all the Bob's and gotten all the data pads.. Note: Killing all of the Bob's hasn't actually been fully done by anyway. As certain missions have no Visible Bob's. Then the theory comes in that. The Bobs are in the Banshee's. Even if that did Unlock this "GND"(Or whatever it's called) Helmet. Noone has done. (Beside Bungie and 343) which they will not tell us weather killing all the Bobs can be done and how to get this Helmet. Also, On the Halo Waypoint website. there was a a little hint as to their being new Armor. But no confirmation. All we know is. that it is a secret. And time will tell. Or you could go on to Youtube and try to find out how to unlock it and have a high chance of getting Rick Rolled.
  2. I agree. or "Stop ******* like a little dog. I like it hard and deep."
  3. It's time to kick @ss and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of Gum.

  4. I say get rid of it. Or increase it. And ban and reset the boosters. I mean, I'm a general grade 2. and grade 3 and 4 is both 150,000 cR so I can't level up in a day. I don't usually hit the credit limit anyway Because I try to wait til the challenges to reset before I go playing again. But if I do then I would be quite annoyed. What is the actual point of the cap. To stop boosters. Or to make the game a very slow leveling process?. If you get rid of it or Increase it to say 500,000 (even if that does sound excessive) people will be happier. Happier people = More people playing. As far as I see it.
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