So after seeing all the Halo 4 hate I thought I'd have my own rant.
Stop complaining about Halo 4, it's not even out yet, you haven't played it. You are making assumptions based off a trailer, which isn't really much to go off. The amount of people I have seen complaining about the armour abilities is annoying, so what if they are in it? Give me a valid reason why they "ruin the game", instead of just ranting about them.
Lots of people are saying things about making it just like halo 2 or 3, yet fail to realize if this happened it turn out to be Halo 2 with a graphical sheet pulled over it, while aspects should be pulled from out from both games, Halo 4 should be a new game with a new feel.
The new armour was also a complaining point, yet when Master Chiefs armour was changed in Halo 2, everyone got over that pretty quickly, so why not just do it again?
I think the problem is people, not the games.Many people loved previous Halos so much, they found them difficult to let go of and change, so instead of trying something new out, they attacked what was different in a hope to bring back what they loved. That isn't going to happen, so why not ditch the Halo: Reach sucks because of armour abilities attitude and just move on, broaden your game spectrum and just shut up.
//end rant