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Everything posted by One

  1. Preventing an argument is difficult, considering peoples opinions are different. The best way to prevent them are to show levels of maturity and respect. I'm sure most members I know are capable of this. If a new member come on trying to start a fight, ignore it and move on. If you do happen to get into an argument, like Mayh3m said, forgive and forget. Like I said, I'm sure most members I know are capable of this.
  2. England If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? <----- Compulsory question
  3. A banana Do you remember your first kiss?
  4. Probably because it sucked ass. All survivors would pile up into that tunnel at spawn and camp.
  5. God damnit, you beat me to it.
  6. Shouldn't this be in the Halo 3 section
  7. But marines are as weak as paper, This wouldn't work, a shot to most places would kill you, seeing as you said no shields.
  8. Like Luke said, 343 thought about a beta, but instead went against it because of the fact they would have to put work into a beta, work they can't afford to spare. While I was a little disappointed they weren't going to have a public one, I understand why they went against it.
  9. The title of this topic should be "Are we ready to unite again"
  10. Twam bestows his blessings upon this post.
  11. While unfortunate, this is probably quite a rare problem, and so not something thought about. Betrayals are there to stop team killing because without a boot option, idiots like *** would run rampant online, ruining everyones gaming experience. While i feel for you, unfortunately I doubt they would be able to sort something out for you.
  12. While I haven't seen this happen much (lurk moar) I can understand why it would happen, and why it would need to stop. The reason you are seeing it recently is probably because: with an uprise of new members joining, the same stuff is going to start popping up, same complaints, same arguments, and sometimes it's just easier to just go on offensive than logically debate it out. Because after all, it does get annoying. But as you pointed out, we are better than that, and maybe instead of responding, we should ignore it and let it die. Or at the very least say that a topic like that has been created.
  13. Nicest Member - Ms. Mystic Funniest Member - Biggles Brown Little Brother - Luke Most Helpful - N/A (couldn't decide)
  14. One

    Stop complaining

    I'm sure they said something about in the last ViDoc they did? If not then, I hope you kinda know what i mean by what they said?
  15. One

    Stop complaining

    Bungie said themselves that Reach is the Halo they wanted to make from the start. This being true( i think) the that means if Bungie went back and did it all again, armour abilities would have been in from the start. Please elaborate as to who you would class as "lil cry babies", you mean people who wanted a bit of variety and different play? How boring and stagnant would Reach be if it was recycled Halo 3, no wait, don't answer that, because i know you would say it would be better than current Reach. You have given no valid arguments as to why armour abilities should be removed, other than people camp..
  16. One

    Stop complaining

    Its less of a vocal opinion to push the game in the right direction, that kind of thing should be encouraged btw, and more of a hatred for anything new. If they really did want to help push it in the right direction they construct proper arguments for and against their point, gather research on it and post it in a constructive and professional way. Why should they do all that for an opinion you may ask, well its because if they REALLY wanted to address 343 and push the game in a good direction, they would be better acknowledged and read. Instead they just post one huge paragraph on how the new changes suck.
  17. One

    Stop complaining

    I think he means that he doesn't want the game to turn as casual as Call Of Duty, or something along the lines of changing the game too much.
  18. You forgot someone on the list,...... Congrats on Dedication extreme
  19. One

    Stop complaining

    So after seeing all the Halo 4 hate I thought I'd have my own rant. Stop complaining about Halo 4, it's not even out yet, you haven't played it. You are making assumptions based off a trailer, which isn't really much to go off. The amount of people I have seen complaining about the armour abilities is annoying, so what if they are in it? Give me a valid reason why they "ruin the game", instead of just ranting about them. Lots of people are saying things about making it just like halo 2 or 3, yet fail to realize if this happened it turn out to be Halo 2 with a graphical sheet pulled over it, while aspects should be pulled from out from both games, Halo 4 should be a new game with a new feel. The new armour was also a complaining point, yet when Master Chiefs armour was changed in Halo 2, everyone got over that pretty quickly, so why not just do it again? I think the problem is people, not the games.Many people loved previous Halos so much, they found them difficult to let go of and change, so instead of trying something new out, they attacked what was different in a hope to bring back what they loved. That isn't going to happen, so why not ditch the Halo: Reach sucks because of armour abilities attitude and just move on, broaden your game spectrum and just shut up. //end rant
  20. Evolution determines the best features for the environment you live in. The features would be considered out of the norm on earth, but on the elite home-world, those features are the best for the environment.
  21. One


    Congrats on the dedicated, sure did take your time
  22. Hits 3000 what? I'm confused...what are we celebrating??
  23. The world isn't infinite, it's very large. I think it's 3million by 3million or something.
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