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Everything posted by One

  1. Hm, i suck at every FPS out there....and have lost my gaming talent. Gonna have to go as far back as Rayman 2 Revolution for the PS2, i was good at that.
  2. Depending if it was done extremely well, Bioshock or Mass Effect. If pulled off correctly, they would be fantastic films.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwfJvemUIZg
  4. On the internet, legal is just an empty word.
  5. Director, what you are trying to say wouldn't tie in with destiny, but more whether on not we have free will (if i understood what you said correctly, if not, just say). Free will is something of an odd thing, do we actually make our own choices, or is it pre-determined and we just think we are making a choice. Multi-verse would answer this question. If we somehow managed to get a universe the exact same as ours, we could have the same event happen in both universes, lest say a man goes to eat out. If he orders the same thing in both universes, then free will is is non-existent, but if he orders something different, then free will exists. Now science, btw this is all from memory, so if i'm wrong i'll gladly change. They think there are other universes out there because of the behavior of atoms, they are constantly vibrating and we cannot pinpoint an atoms location, which is strange. So they think that these atoms are actually involved with other dimensions or universes. String theory is all about this if you actually want some fact, cause i'm an idiot and this is all probably wrong.
  6. Dude, I am too lazy to look for those myself and you brought them all together in 1 place. Mah childhood thanks you.
  7. You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive. The human body may appear fragile but it’s possible to survive even with the removal of the stomach, the spleen, 75 percent of the liver, 80 percent of the intestines, one kidney, one lung, and virtually every organ from the pelvic and groin area. By survive it means not die, the life you'd live after this would be on a machine with pills every day.
  8. One

    New Halo 4 Music!

    Gives off a feeling of Star Wars and Mass Effect. Sounds really good, looking forward to hearing the entire ost once released.
  9. 23457 on my old account, damn that extra 1 gamerscore. 6817 on my current one.
  10. You'd think the killswitch would be augmented to each spartan personally than the suits though.
  11. Spoilers. What about in Halo Legends when that Red female spartan runs off and was gonna kill the clone? She wasn't killed off then.
  12. I have no idea what all the types of Spartans mean, but if the success rate was near enough 100%, I'd do it, then go rouge. Screw the fighting bit, I'd just have a bad ass power suit and super human strength.
  13. A lot of the time it is, but sometimes you can pick out coherent bits of conversation, just gotta listen reeeaaalll closely.
  14. Wow, that will totally solve the growing obesity problems. I applaud them for thinking about this so much.
  15. Is this only happening with you, or will other moderators have these things?
  16. This won't work, as most teens are not designed for lengthy, intellectual chat. We posses little to none of the linguistic skills that those "adults" have and instead subs***ute numbers like, 3 for e, and use abbreviations in paragraphs that do not require them.
  17. One

    Hey! :)

    Oh god don't say that, i might have to actually do something if i'm messaged.
  18. Right now, no. Just take a look at our planet, all the billions and billions of species that lived, and then look at how many mastered technology. We did, that's it. Now we have to think about every other planet that could be home to simple life and think, will it happen again? And if intelligent life is out there, it may have killed itself off in the transition of type 0 to type 1 civilization.
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