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Everything posted by Pikachu1025

  1. Personally i believe that most people like me cannot afford the Xbox One however really love playing the Halo Games. When Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary was released i was stunned and surprised on how well 343 Industries had made the enhanced graphics and how well they kept all the Easter eggs and glitches. I love playing the halo games, i play them everyday but i cant afford to spend 500$ on a single Xbox one system but i don't need to survey every Halo Xbox 360 gamer to know that certainly there are those who are in my position and value the halo games but cant afford an next generation Xbox so can everyone who reads this spread the word as a petition for 343 Industries to include Halo 2 on the Xbox 360 i would gladly pay for a copy of halo 2 anniversary and to help back up my statement Xbox one isn't even a year old so the companies can still get profits by selling it on both consoles please everyone spread this message.
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