After reading through this, there were a few things I really got excited about.
1. I understand everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you don't like the Arbiter then gtfo. He was a champion. Bring him back. We love him.
2. With that said; bring back Elites in slayer!
3. Could not agree more about the story, both good and bad points. It is a phenomenal story. So many details, very intriguing for people that love researching and getting to know the nitty-gritty. But even as a true Halo Universe lover, I had NO CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING IN Halo 4 until I got on Halo wiki and read for hours about who these characters were and what the devices did.
4. Microsoft has done a great job of making the game feel like a Halo game. Funny you thought the music wasn't quite there... I was missing the classic sound myself.
5. Mixed emotions about load outs. If I wasn't feeling the BR after dying 3 times with no kills, I could bust out the Carbine and remember I don't suck. or vice versa.
Great suggestions, sir.