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  1. As I was already disappointed with the online multiplayer of this game, I have returned the game and xbox one for full refund. The Halo 2 remake was less than satisfactory including campaign bugs such as dual wielding allies, spawn glitches, etc. The game was advertised as a beef up, so to speak, of the game you played 10 years ago and loved. I have to agree with bungie. 343i has almost butchered this entire franchise and made it a lot easier for the newer generations to enjoy including the bullet magnetism in Halo 4 where you don't even have to be on target to kill someone. Now, this kind of production team has completely butchered the game of my childhood by trying to make the campaign easier than what it was and add in their own little skulls that make the game exponentially easier when activated. Even now, the public is drooling over the Halo 5 beta and I don't understand why when there are problems with the MCC that still need addressing and no one is saying squat. Now if you have wondered why this franchise has gone to he ll, all you need to do is look in the mirror. I know why you did it, Cool graphics, all 4 games, childhood relived, etc. But when the game has as many problems as it has and makes BF4 launch look great and still no one holds 343 accountable. I draw the line. You all take the little trinkets they give you and pretend everything is alright, take note of the crappy ODST release, which by the way isn't free if you didn't play online when the MP was garbage so you don't get that trinket, instead you have to buy it. Anyways, those little trinkets seem to buy you all over and continue to let this company walk all over y'all and continue to tell you to pre-order the next game after 2 horrible game releases by the same company. Fable didn't even get this many chances and they butchered the 2nd game. So, if you feel as I feel and you think as i think, and you seek as i seek, feel free to pm me some info and I can add your name to a Class action lawsuit I'm bringing toward 343i for their incompetence, monopoly, and in my personal opinion, theft of millions of people's money for games that have been less than satisfactory. If you don't want to fine, that's your call and understandable. Just know that I personally am not letting this awful show of a company ruin a game i hold dear and try to buy me off for their mistakes with trinkets. You may hear about this in the coming weeks-months but knowing 343i they'll try to either use this as a publicity trial which is why there will also be a gag order to stop any lallygagging. Y'all have a nice day and try standing up for what you know is right and not for some free trinket and empty promises for another chance by letting this company walk all over y'all. My Final note would be not to pre order Halo 5 under any circumstance. No game store will run out of the game like they used to so just go in and buy the game and make them earn the money instead of making millions before the game is even released and releasing it with an unsatisfactory job and doing nothing to fix what should of been working from the second it hit the shelves.
  2. ​I second this. Halo 2 needs to keep the original skulls and not add crap skulls like piñata or bandana. Skulls were mad to make the game challenging. The only skull that really helped on H2 was maybe sputnik and GBP because of the AOE damage. They also need to kep it to where the skulls are locked and need to be found at the original spots and only on legendary. It took me some time to find the skull on the level gravemind only to shot in the face by the grunt with the fuel rod. (Good Times.) That's my only problem with this remake. The elites look like crap and the skulls are going to messed with.
  3. Hey all, I decided to drop my concerns and wishes for H2A here in chance they'll be more recognized than on Halomaps.org where true halo fans still reside and create custom content. anyways, My Concerns: 1. Elites are going to end up looking worse than Halo wars elites and it'd be embarrassing to 343 if a game 10 years old had better looking BSP models than the new Hi-Def 1080p models. Make them look better because at the E3, Im not sure if people agree, but the elites were awful looking. Especially the arbiter. He won't need a dentist check up for a long time. Maybe use the H3 design to base the idea, the armor of the arbiter is quite old. 2. H4 really worried me about where the Halo franchise was going, HCEA was a good start but don't do the exact same thing for Halo 2. If you can't make H2A spectacular and amazing looking in multiplayer and campaign, think how the reviews for H5 would be assumed. 3. Brutes. Yes, we've all seen the post H2 release on the brutes but if you can, don't make them lead absorbers. use armor or something and make it a bit challenging. But I understand if that's impossible. My Wishes: 1. Do NOT use the Halo Wars models of the prophets or elites or arbiter. Halo 2 was known for making elites great looking so don't use HD remake as an excuse for Saber to use incredibly crappy models and pass them off as satisfactory. It was a bad game for a reason IMO. Build off of 2003 E3 demo elites or Halo 2 itself, don't copy and paste. 2. A little more help from old bungie members who originally designed H2 would be nice for their input, H2 kind of kept Xbox Live going when no other games were fun or competitive at the time until the 360 came out. 3. Not too many skull changes, Thunderstorm is a must. Who doesn't like playing against Ultras throughout the entire game. 4. Get rid of those awful purple elites and bring back the true Black spec ops. Make them darker in color like the grunt please. 5. Elites playable in normal multiplayer. that was the best part of H2. playing as whatever you specified. Maybe include whatever armors for elites sort of like a Reach and H3 mix. No preset elite armors but your own custom elite with amor designs. We all wished for that honor guard armor in multiplayer. Maybe make it an achievement unlock for beating H2 solo legendary. Idk, just a thought. 6. Someone from 343 would take the time to visit the Halomaps forums where many amateur developers have been making models and BSPs for a long time and input would be more in depth than hopes and wishes and take them to heart. The true Halo fans are still active on there and the amount of stuff created on a PC is amazing. but valuable input can be found there for H2A.
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