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Everything posted by Voltaeus

  1. I just wanted to voice some of my concerns following this weeks announcement and showing of the Master Chief : Collection. 1.) System Link - It has been reported that no system link is planned for the MC: Collection. 2.) No multi player split screen - There are very few legitimate excuses as to why this can't be. Split screen has always been a degraded experience and this would be no different, if that is the given excuse. 3.) Individual Playlist - The lack of individual playlist is my biggest concern about the collection. If my understanding is correct you choose a playlist i.e. Team Snipers and then your lobby chooses which game from the collection you play. This is literally the worst design decision that could have possibly been made. This means I can't specifically play the multi player for the Halo title I want. Last time I checked each game is drastically different from the next. As such players have a favorite from the series. I personally love Halo 2 far more than any of the others. So, why would I want to go into the playlist and have a "chance" at playing Halo 2, and get stuck playing a title I have far less interest in. It's honestly ridiculous. As I said before this is my biggest concern and in all honesty will decide if I choose to buy an Xbox One. 4.) Not all maps are included - I was troubled today when I happened upon the official Halo twitter stating that the maps Desolation and Tombstone from Halo 2 were not included in the MC : Collection. The reasoning was that we already had Hang Em' High and Derelict. While true we do have those maps yet that's in a completely different game. By now most know that game as Halo : CE. This is ridiculous reasoning. I could say the same about Last Resort being in Halo 3. Why do we need it in Halo 3 when we've got Zanzibar in Halo 2. Why have 3-4 different versions of Blood Gulch when Halo : CE has the original. You see this reasoning as I said is ridiculous. 5.) Glitches, Jumps - I was looking over an article and it mentioned that all glitches were left intacted and for all intensive purposes the games are a carbon copy of the originals. Yet, I saw that one developer (I forget who) mentioned they removed "a weird jump glitch". When I hear this it leads me to believe he was referencing super bounces. I could be wrong about this assumption. I hope I am as bounces added another aspect to the game that many enjoyed. When Halo 2 was still fresh there were whole communities dedicated to just bouncing. If this were removed from the game it would be yet another bad design decision. 6.) Ranking System - While this isn't as critical of a concern it's one I take seriously. I much enjoyed the ranking system that was in place during Halo 2. It felt like you were accomplishing something when you pushed for rank and achieved your goal. Halo 3 had a similar system but it was much more lax and didn't leave me with a feeling of accomplishment. This might be because I was able to hit 50 in playlist with ease which was a pipe dream in Halo 2, for several reasons. These are just a few of my concerns. I may have gotten some information wrong as this is all still fresh.
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