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Everything posted by Frostbite412

  1. That, I just watched the Cairo Station gameplay, so Blur is redoing the graphics, just not entirely different cutscenes. And thank you
  2. I was having a chat with some people in the Youtube comments, and it rose a few questions about the cutscenes for Halo 2 specifically. 1. Will the cutscenes from the original Halo 2 be the same in the MCC, barring graphical upgrades? 2. The CGI trailer we got at E3, with the Chief jumping out of the space station, is that gonna be the in-game cutscene? I thought probably not. I'm hoping not too, because that scene is the #1 thing I remember in Halo 2. Halo 2 was my first fps, and that specific scene stuck because it was so epic.
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