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Everything posted by Flly

  1. i know people have been saying dmr and br, but I would more than likely want a 3 burst gun than a single burst gun, because you never know they might change the gun names and the design of them ...
  2. i think it would be cool to have this to an extent, like show damage from frags and what not, but yea if it would take down a building or put a hole in the wall I think that would be too much, although that's one thing that akes bf3 cool
  3. as long as im home i'll be looking forward to it my G.T. is f-i-i-y: (FIIy)
  4. just saying this to insure you eli, if you're going to buy a PC Game, especially halo, make sure that you have a good graphics card because if you just have a standard Dell laptop it'll be way laggy/glitchy and not 100% sure why they didn't release halo 3 for pc or reach, I think because the Graphics were too advanced or that the previous sales from halo 2 weren't good so they didn't even try to make it... hope that answers your questions
  5. i noticed it was a type-o but i figured it make people laugh so i left it =p
  6. the ultimate combo: Chuck Norris + Master Cheif + superman

    1. Doc/O'Malley


      The game wouldn't even be fair, the covenant wouldn't stand a chance!

    2. Flly


      what do you mean, it is never fair when master chief steps in the ring =p

    3. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Spectral Jester beats all!! :)

  7. :left: Just had this odd Dream last night where I was in this movie theater with most of my buddies from highschool and I walked in and went to the front let of the actual theater room where there was a concession area in the front left which is odd to have it in the theater room. In the concessions area working was Ashton Kutcher and Chris Farley. I asked for a popcorn and they gave me a large but then I changed it to a medium; I then noticed that they were making me an icecream cone and for some reason while Ashton was making it he started to eat the ice cream and put so much on the cone that it all fell off and I said, I want a medium ice cream cone jokilngly; He then got confused and started to bame chirs for everything when I said, "He doesn't know what's real and what's not!" while laughing and then I woke up :right:
  8. everyone I knew that had odst doesn't have it anymore, i borrowed a friends at the time to get recon, i asked him lately if he still had it but sold it, i thought that it was an ok game, nothing too crazy though
  9. A lot like halo reach, really geared toward the average player... O_o
  10. I'd like to request if someone can make it so I can have -10,000 posts and work my way back up if that's possible, I need the challenge, btw hi jester :3
  11. I Love pickled juice but not pickel juice

  12. of course it''s an asweome playlist, classics are always the best
  13. Flly

    coming back

    hey everyone after being gone for 4 months i'm back!
  14. i'd have to saw strawberry's with sugar
  15. hey everyone im starting a clan that noone is going to be join it's called Team Downsyndrome, just wanted you all to know
  16. Tickled like a glorious rainbow
  17. Flly

    Halo 4 Clans?

    Bring the classic h2 clans back? I say yes!
  18. I had my own clan on h2, it was called n0sc0pe frenzy, I was really good with the sniper.
  19. id have to say that powerhouse is my favorite... Perfect balance of power weapons, and it reminds me of high ground.. even though I am not the biggest fan of high ground's layout...
  20. Dont get hurt my little hamburgler!
  21. Flly


    Maybe it was just me but I liked how odst's firefight was more than reach's, and idk why...
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