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Everything posted by k9689

  1. Our clan is now recruiting. We are on Xbox 360 but will soon be on Xbox one. We are on halo reach and halo 4. You can join either the oblivion armed forces, oblivion national guard, or the imperial honor guard. Message either K9 346, or bran the bass1 when you message us tell us what game you wanna join and what division. (NOTE) national guard ks halo reach, and armed forces is halo 4.)
  2. just so you guys know........ Im bored XD

    1. Halo6 Follower
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Bored your doors and windows.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Me too. Let's start a riot... a riot.

  3. The website is now www.Bryce.weekly.com the clan has had a reform and were still working on a few things. Www.tngce.weekly.com not Bryce lol .weebly.com* I apologize my tablet is useless.
  4. back in uniform and lemmie tell ya it feels amazing. chicks love uniforms XD

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I love a man in uniform.


  5. You may have remembered the RNAF, however the RNAF is now called the empire. We are not only a clan for halo 3, and halo reach, but also on different consoles like Xbox one ps4 ps3 and pc. Like always message K9 346 to join.
  6. 2 weeks and im back in uniform!!!! ROTC RULES!!!! *cough* air force *cough*

  7. The RNAF is opening recruitment again! all divisions are opened for new recruits except for the recon division. Message K9 346 to join. Thanks guys!
  8. Have you ever wondered whats up there?

    1. Sadly Just AL
    2. Rue


      I already know what's up there ^_^

  9. I'm sorry to announce that the RNAF is closing recruitment until the 1st of August. So if you would like to enlist please wait until the 1 st. Thank you.
  10. It is official! The RNAF has merged with the UGA. This means we are officially apart of the community UGA however, everything will remain the same, recruiting is still completely open, so please continue messaging me.
  11. k9689


    I doubt it man..... halo 3 takes place after fud and the uniforms were right in that game.
  12. Like masterchief said once,,,somedays I need a weapon...

  13. k9689


    I'd have to say that I really wish FUD was a longer series as I really enjoyed how they filmed it. I thought they kind of nixed . Up on a few subjects... such as well they called everyone a sir... I'm sorry but conning from a type f military background AFJROTC for those of you who don't know me, it's extremely disrespectful to call a girl a sir. Also if you look at their callers on their uniforms for colonel mahhathi and general black, they both have 4 bars. Wich is highly unlikely in the UNSC unless I'm mistaken, those bars are not service bars those bars signify rank, and while General black has 4 bars that could signify he is a 4 star General. Just like how FALTH (fleet admiral Lord Terrance hood) had four bars on his collar that's because he's a fleet admiral!!! Now General black could be an exception for this. But colonel mahhathi? Don't think so... you wouldn't see a colonel with 4 bars. And that's because if you look at commander miranda Keyes` collar you see 3 bars and an oakleaf... signifying she's a commander. And captain Keyes doesn't even have 4 bars. (FYI captain Keyes, Lord hood, and commander miranda Keyes are navy. Colonel mahhathi and general black are army or marines. And a captain in the navy is the equivalent of a colonel in the army. A commander is the equivalent of a lieutenant colonel and fleet admiral is the equivalent of an army 5 star General.) If you guys need to see military ranks message me I'll be happy to give you all of each branches ranks. Yes I know all the ranks and yes the UNSC is going off of the United states ranks. Wich I'm so happy they are. Because then I can criticize their uniforms when their wrong
  14. k9689

    Hey guys.

    Yeah I love jrotc. It's the only reason why don't absolutely hate high school lol
  15. k9689

    Hey guys.

    Well I'm not great at introductions so I'll try to make this as good as possible. My real name is zackary however I go by Zack or k9. And yes some people call me k9 in real life for many reasons... such as well I play with a gamertag k9 346, and because I am a very very protective person. Uhhhmmmm... I attend high school at choctaw high school. I'm currently in the AFJROTC program my current rank is cadet master sergeant. And before you ask yes I have ribbons and badges and a rope. I have 10 ribbons, 2 badges, and the rope is black and red. I have been playing halo since I was 2 and I still play it lol I have an emotional attachment to the unsc and more to the masterchief. I can't believe it's been around for 12 years! So anyway feel free to call me Zack or k9. Thanks for reason my lame intro!!!!
  16. Hey do you still play halo reach? Do you want to join a military based clan? Then the RNAF Wants you!! The RNAF (Reach Naval Air Forces) is a military based clan consisted of 5 branches. ODST RECON DIVISION, ODST SPECIAL FORCES, TRANSPORTATION SQUADRON, MILITARY POLICE, And the ARMORED DIVISION. If you are interested in learning more about the clan please check out our website at www.rnaf.weebly.com and if you would like to join please send me a message on Xbox live my gamertag is K9 346. Interested in a clan war? Message me for that as well. One more thing guys, when you message me about joining please tell me the division you'd like to join.
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