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Posts posted by MasterChiefMEAN

  1. sprint is something that should be available all the time and unlimited. we are spartans with unbelievable physical ablilities, we should be able to sprint for a lot longer distances without having to stop and catch our breath, which was the most stupid thing from Reach and Halo 4.


    There are so many things that the Spartans should be able to do that the games have not done justice to their abilities.  Read the books and you'll understand.

  2. Not a love story.  Cortana was chiefs only true companion she became part of him the moment she was installed into his armor. The chief could feel her in his armor and mind.  Losing Cortana would equate to losing an arm, leg, or a best friend right in front of your eyes.  Definitely think he is figuring out that he is Human and NOT a machine by losing Cortana. 

  3. I hope it's more than just mindless hsooting. I've always felt like the maps, albeit sandbox, were always on a small scale and could have been larger, and also featured more, different terrain to entice different styles of combat. It has seemed to always be 'clear all enemies' and while that's fun, I always like it when I'm given another objective as well, a little similar to the easter eggs in Cod zombies which have a set of objectives you must achieve as you slay, slay and slay everything in your path.


    Sure, shooting things is fun but for me, it gets boring quickly because there isn't an element of choice and there isn't a reward. I'm not continuing a plotline; I don't get anything at the end for massacreing thousands of aliens. On my way to do it, my thought process doesn't extend past 'shoot the first thing in sight', unlike some games I have in stuff like Cod Zombies, which I feel enforce decision making (Which way should I go on this map? How can I move the player character so he doesn't get hit? What's the next objective I should attain? etc,)

    I always played it by myself with the goal of not dying and I was always mad when I got killed

  4. Fire fight was one of my favorite things to play when my fellow spartans were not on. I always like sniperfight, Gruntpocolypse, and rocketfight. Also I was very disappointed that in halo 4 it was changed to spartan ops.  Do you think that Fire Fight should make a return in Halo 5 Guardians.

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  5. Well considering from launch plus the H2PC one...I'd have to put my self in the low 5,000-20,000


    Low? I wouldn't consider that to be low.  I do believe that if they hadn't turned off the servers for H2 on xblive I'd have a ton more games. But I never had the PC version.

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