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Indoctrin's Achievements


Jackal (2/19)



  1. Only recently played it to get the Castle Achievements out of the way, did that and then haven't even touched the disc since and wont do again until they bother with something new that either makes the game fun again or gives me some more achievements towards my gamerscore. Right now, the only reason I will get Halo 5 will be to keep up with the storyline and play the campaign. To me Halo Multiplayer is dead, so it's Halo 3 again for me
  2. Now they have a minor issue here, Spartan Ops ended with a cliffhanger.. Now one would assume Halo 5 will either follow on from Spartan Ops, or they will try to create a new campaign AND a continuation of SOps... So either the Halo 5 campaign will see us flying through space attempting to hunt down Halsey, or it will be something that doesn't follow on from Halo 4 in any way shape or form...
  3. There are people with full commendations, but a little look at their play history shows a hell of a lot of full party boosting.
  4. Daily population in Matchmaking..... lolz On a weekend the most popular playlist is BTB, which occasionally hits 10,000... I've seen playlists with a massive 67 (yes SIXTY SEVEN) people playing in them.... It has fallen below a game released a YEAR before it in the activity charts! Reach had it's issues, but Halo 4 blew all those issues out of the water with it's terribleness (multiplayer wise as I enjoyed the campaign) and that is the point. Things were changed that didn't need changing, things were added that really didn't need adding but it was all done anyway.. At the end of the day 343 are owned by Microsoft, Microsoft enjoy making money... Who has the final say in the game? The makers or the owners of the makers?
  5. Hit SR130 within three weeks of getting the game, and I was shocked I even reached that as I realised just how bugged, glitchy and downright stupid some of the new game settings were. Only reason I bother to play now is to get the added achievements. Only the continuation of Spartan Ops will get me playing the game again now all the achievements are out of the way. People say play custom games, or forge a map.. But when you consider the amount of options that have been removed, there isn't scope for much. I wanted to create a game variant where all you got was Plasma Nades, yet the Spartans HAVE to be holding a weapon to use nades and HAVE to be holding a weapon to walk properly instead of sliding around the map! The amount of options in HR for Infection, all dropped because the gamemode was changed to "Flood" (don't get me started on how buggy and glitched that is)...
  6. You only got a week ban lol. Apparently I've had ONE post modified by a monitor, and that was over 2 months ago. Attempted to go back onto the forums just now and got the message "Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on Monday, February 19, 4751 4:36:52 PM." All my posts are still on the forum, none are edited at all by anyone and yet I am now suspended for 2700+ years....... Temporary... I don't think they know what that word means....
  7. Unfriggingbelievable!! Got one the other day and it sounded epic
  8. Don't see a problem with the Plasma Launcher. I play a lot of BTB and I've grabbed hold of it on many occasions when the opposition Wraith is nailing my team and nailed the Wraith instead from the other side of the map. Just takes a steady hand and zooming in on it!
  9. I hit it in under two hours the other day when I got three 30,000 jackpots in three consecutive games..
  10. The "secret" helmet has been spotted in the armoury. While watching the Bungie vs The World Steaktacular webcam on of the Bungie employees changed his armour and the "secret" helmet was in there and was described by a Bungie employee as "343's Baby". You may also notice that the first map pack made by 343 has two versions with one being 252ish mb larger than the other, rumour has it thecoding for the helmet is in there.
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