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Everything posted by Skills4Kills

  1. Obviously you didnt play Halo 2.. Halo 2 had the best ranking system, the only people who didn't like it are the crybabies which is why it was removed.
  2. Lets keep this short and sweet. I have been playing Halo since the day CE dropped on the original xbox. I have all the games, books, etc. Hopefully by now the staff at 343 have figured out that Halo 2 was the best online multiplayer the Halo series has offered. The reason Halo 2 was so successful is because it was COMPETITIVE. The matches were based on SKILL which generated an enormous amount of fun that kept players coming back for more and more. At the start of a match all players had the same weapon, and the spartans didn't have abilities and other nonsense that takes away from the competitive nature of the game. The sad reality is many games now days feel the need to reward a player based on how long they have played the game (ie unlocking weapons and abilities cough halo4 cough) instead of allowing skill to dictate the winner (Halo 1 and 2). This is HALO not CALL OF DUTY. It is so obvious that Halo 4 was trying to take aspects from Call of Duty and that is exactly why the game is failing. If you are constantly trying to match the competition (COD) you will always be behind. Halo is trying to compete in a red ocean, when it needs to go back to the blue ocean and build off why it was so successful; COMPETITIVE GAMEPLAY. (Note: if you arent in business you might have to look up a red ocean vs blue ocean strategy) Competitive means an even playing field. All players have the same abilities, the weapons all have specific spawns and respawn timers. Keep it simple, keep it competitive. And for the love of god bring back the Halo 2 battle rifle. Do the people at 343 even read the books and know the Halo story. Master Chief is a genetically altered super soldier in an advanced super strong armor system. If he can lift a car I am pretty sure he should be able to hold a rifle steady with no recoil. AGAIN back to the competitive nature, there is no room for recoil in Halo. Where you have the gun aimed is where it should hit. We are talking spartans not marines. And why would you take out the arguably most fun objective based gametype known to the Halo community, ASSAULT? One bomb was some of the funnest matches in Halo 2, especially when the match would continue until you separated the enemy from the bomb. Also the shields in Halo 2 were perfect, quit speeding the game up to match COD, Halo players are strategic and like the longer killing time. I have seen this be the downfall of several games. Halo 5 wishlist: clans like in Halo 2 competitive not noob friendly weapons spawn on map at the start of the match no weapons drops no speacial ablities assault halo 2 battle rifle As a final note, I wish to leave 343 and Microsoft a glimpse into the future, an opportunity to take advantage of a blue ocean, and a chance to beat the PS4. I would prefer this to be part of Halo 5, but this may need to be a separate game; HALO MMO The Xbox is lacking in next gen games, because the future is MMO. The PS4 is on the verge of releasing an xbox killer, Planetside 2. Planetside 2, developed by Sony Online Entertainment, is a massively multiplayer online first person shooter with thousands of people on each map. The President of SOE has made several statements saying Planetside 2 is designed to take Halo players from the Xbox and convince them to move to the PS4. A Halo MMO WOULD BE the game of the decade, nothing less of revolutionary. Imagine loading up at a Spartan base into a pelican with 12 of your spartan friends and dropping into a massive battle. The game could feature spartans against spartans or maybe even spartans vs elites, the possibilities are endless. 343 please feel free to email me with any questions or comment, I want the greatest game ever to reclaim its throne, and if you continue in the direction you are going this series will be dead. Dont follow the competition, build your own path, and try to remember what made Halo so special.
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