Hello, I am Rachel, or formally known as Mrs Blitz as my gt, and I was wondering if anyone wanted to join a military based clan.
Ok, I know what you are thinking:'omg not one of these' but I actually joined and am still having a lot of fun! the memebers are all very nice and disciplined and if you look up my gamertag I am not a noob either. I have about a 2.2 kd.
The only catch is that you have to have a mic, and be an active player on Halo:Reach. The clan is called Oni and we have members on everyday to play with. We do matchmaking, clan battles, raids you name it.
With that said, I hope you guys join and have fun along with me! Just message me, 'Mrs Blitz'if you are interested. Skill does not matter as we have skilled players and non skilled players:)