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Anthony 0101

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    Grey Wolf07

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  1. The melee system in halo 4 annoys me, I am a huge fan of assassinations n I find my self running at everybody trying to melee then and getting shot to death repeatedly. I would like to see an only melee playlist where u start out with no ammo and there are no weapon drops or vehicles. Also after I melee someone in halo 4 and break their shield the first thing they do is shoot me just enough to get my shield about halfway, NOT BROKEN, and they melee me n kill me even though I still have partial shield left. Thirdly the battle rifle should not b in swat it is very annoying when unskilled players can dominate a game of skilled players just because they use the battle rifle. Next is the power weapons problem. It seems as soon as the match starts everyone runs for the power weapons and then they just camp and wait for the weapon to respawn I would also like to see a playlist with no power weapons as well. Dont get me wrong I love halo 4 but I feel as if their going to far to please people of others games and are forgetting about their true fans. That's what I see wrong for now I hope 343 actually listens to their fans. Lag in this game is also a very big issue along with host migrations I would also like it if 343 make armor modifications stand out more like in reach, the armor or helmet a person wore stood out it all looks the same in halo 4 exept the helmets Idk about the future of halo, I trust 343 but I could b wrong
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