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    Dragon Ball, Titanfall, Destiny, Warframe

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  1. I'm back from the dead again because I have rebought an xbox 360

  2. For me, I tink it would be the chance I had gotten to make new friends within destiny. I had always been doing the new raid with randoms, but four of those people had stuck with me after my horrid 90 kbps internet and we had been keeping a good friendship after that playing destiny and stuff. It was actually nice to be a part of a community even with being socially awkward.
  3. Sitting in the corner of the universe

  4. I got pokemon white and also threw up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melody


      Cool. Gross.

    3. Fishy



    4. JoeStone42


      Well I had drank a large bottle of sparkling water that tatsed terrible and my brother gave me some games

  5. Y'know we really don't need another person complaining about Halo 5, there are enough of them as is. We are just a simple community forum and not 343i itself.
  6. My Nintendo is finally available and I finally got my hands on Flipnote Studio 3D

  7. Welcome back to the forums Maggie
  8. im deciding on either nintendogs or ocarina of time for my 3DS.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maestro


      Out of the options given, I'd go for Ocarina of Time. But yeah, Smash and Mario Kart 7 are solid choices as well.

    3. Melody


      I grew bored of smash rather quickly.. probably because small hands new 3ds xl.. anyway get Ocarina of Time. :)

    4. Ash


      ^ I second that. ^.^

  9. ok... sent my first dweller into the wastela- OH my god they're dead!

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      The wasteland is pleased

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Always give them Stimpacks and RadAways!

  10. New video up on my channel! It's about Mario for you Mario fans (if there's any here). But go check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN-6DMG8DpQ

  11. Request What I want: Something free and fun to play Platform: PS3 What I like: Basically anything
  12. Junior jumble because they are too easy Would you rather do a complete genocide run of undertale or complete the pacifist run and watch everyone die at the end.
  13. How about shovel knight. That game is pretty funa dn has the pixelated nostalgic feeling without it even being old.
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