My main worry, will there be superbouncing? Thats almost a selling point for me. Halo 2 on xbox was perfectly loved and I don't see how taking out superbounces would make the game much better. Button combo glitches will still be in, thats confirmed, but I have to admit there was nothing better than sitting on top of a building on headlong, seeing someone walk by and then jump down from the clouds and then assasinate them. It gave Halo 2 dynamic gameplay, as with all the other glitches and game mechanics, and was excellent for custom games. Anyone can do it so its not an unfair advantage. I've read that halo 2 would be post-patch. I have no idea if xbox had patches or not but I assume they were talking about once halo 2 retired and Halo 2 Vista got its patch, which of course eliminated superboucning. KEEP THE BOUNCES!