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Everything posted by RedStarRocket91

  1. Caboose, I know you're pushing your anti-Halo agenda and all, but even for you this is an astonishingly twisted piece of logic. The fact that it's taken two whole years for these bugs to be patched out is perfectly legitimate criticism: claiming that these bugs were implemented deliberately is crazy, especially as they've now been unlocked for everyone.
  2. Bonnie Ross stated on Twitter yesterday that 343i have released an update fixing Halo 4's broken achievements: if you've previously fulfilled the criteria for these achievements but not actually received them on your profile, you should expect them to unlock within the next few days. Source: Twitter
  3. Yes, although precision weapons tend to be a bit less effective in defensive situations as they're more of an aggressive weapon. Basically I was just picking out loadout weapons as having an advantage, rather than the Suppressor in particular, although the Suppressor is relevant as it's the topic of this thread. SAW is still definitely the better weapon, it's just harder to co-ordinate a team with it.
  4. Well, one advantage that the Suppressor does have is that it's a loadout weapon. If you can co-ordinate two or three players on your team, you can create an incredibly deadly combined kill-zone where each player only needs to land three or four shots to kill an opponent, and while this isn't always very effective going forward it's an extremely effective defensive tactic, especially in Objective games.
  5. Aside from one very specific loadout where I use Plasmas, I'll go with Frags every time. Sure, Plasmas do more damage and have a bigger blast radius (I think), but the standard Frag is just so much more versatile. To use a Plasma effectively, you need a line of sight to your target, or at least to be able to predict when they're going to emerge into your line of sight: with a Frag, there's almost always a way you can bounce it so that it's delivered directly to your opponent's feet, and if you're reasonably competent you can therefore hit enemies without exposing yourself to return fire. Plus, while Plasma grenades can be a little inconsistent in terms of detonation time, since a Frag always explodes a half second after its first bounce you can be much more precise when using them, meaning they can better be used to set up traps or to keep an opponent suppressed: this also means that they're much more reliable damage-dealers than Plasmas, whose lengthy detonation timer means that it's fairly easy to dodge their damage altogether, unless stuck directly.
  6. Up for a battle of wits? Take part in our Shocktober Caption Contest! http://343i.org/2f0

  7. October's Short Story Contest is now open for entry! http://343i.org/2ey

  8. Good. They were completely inefficient from both a gameplay and system resource perspective anyway. That said - I wonder if the 3D mode is going to be making a return?
  9. Actually, even out to medium-long range for someone who knows what they're doing the SAW can reliably deliver better kill times than any of the precision weapons. Once you're at the kind of distances where the precision weapon wielder actually needs to use their scope then it's definitely the weaker choice, but for pretty much anything shorter than that it's the superior weapon. Heck, even the Assault Rifle can reliably take down a Battle Rifle user at mid-range provided that the user is suitably skilled.
  10. I used this as a profile pic for 2 years and it's taken you until now to work that out?
  11. Banned for criticising Destiny. Go on, ban me, I dare you. I DARE YOU.
  12. Yes, there are differences in shielding levels. It's not a particularly big amount, for the most part, but it's definitely there. Elite Majors can take about one more shot than Minors, Generals can take about half as many again, and Zeaots need about twice as many shots. What makes it feel different is that while there are a lot of Minors and Majors in the Campaign, there aren't really all that many higher-ranked Elites even on the upper difficulties: if you want to see for yourself, try playing through 'Dawn' with the Thunderstorm skull on (to increase enemy ranks) and you should notice fairly quickly that there are differences in shielding strength.
  13. Check out our latest Community Podcast! http://343i.org/2dh

  14. Since the SMG has already been confirmed, I'm actually just going to out and say that I don't think any non-Halo 4 weapons should make a return. Halo 4 has, by far, the biggest and broadest weapon sandbox of all the Halo games to date: the only weapons it doesn't have are the Plasma Rifle and Repeater, the Plasma Cannon, the SMG, the Sentinel Beam, the Rocket Pod, the Brute Shot, the Grenade Launcher and a few of the vehicles. Of these: the repeater was worthless anyway, the Rifle has been replaced, the Cannon did the same job as the Fuel Rod Gun but worse, the SMG is coming back, the Sentinel Beam was rare and ineffective, the Rocket Pod's AA role has been replaced by the Rocket Launcher, the Brute Shot is an ugly Concussion Rifle, the Grenade Launcher is essentially a Sticky Detonator, and the various vehicles, while cool, were just racial variants of things like the Warthog and Mongoose. What I want to see are completely new weapons. Halo 4 had some really interesting new tools, like the Railgun, the Binary Rifle, and the SAW, so let's see more stuff like that. Let's have some new grenade types besides bouncy and sticky; let's have some new support weapons, rather than raw damage dealers; let's have weapons which kills crews without damaging vehicles; let's have a gun which fires Frag Grenades in rapid succession. We've already used things which have been in previous Halo games, let's have some new weapons to learn to love and fear!
  15. For me, Sprint isn't a particularly big deal one way or the other. I prefer having it over not having it as I like the increased speed and mobility it provides, but if it were taken out, I'd just adapt. Flinch doesn't really bother me too much. A lot of people complain that they'd rather be scoped out than have their aim jump around, but the thing is that if that's what you want, you can just scope out manually. Personally, I prefer flinch over descoping as I think it makes combat more skill-based, since descoping hands far too big an advantage to the player who landed the first shot, but while if it were removed I'd be disappointed, it wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. There are only two things that would really ruin Halo for me, and those would be moving toward ADS-style gunplay (which I'm just bored of), and re-introducing the kind of button combos, glitches and exploits that were so prevalent in Halo 2 and which completely ruined what would otherwise have been an okay game.
  16. We don't even have the faintest clue of what Halo 5 is going to be about yet, so I think it's too early to even consider what should happen in Halo 6 (if there even is a Halo 6). That said - I'm fairly certain the Chief is ultimately going to be killed. As a Spartan, and particularly as a Spartan-II, there's just no way he could ever integrate into normal society: even assuming he avoids suffering from PTSD, for someone whose whole life has been war and who has no experience of ordinary, everyday life, he probably wouldn't even understand the concept of just sitting around, watching the television and doing nothing productive with his days. If he actually does survive the games, then I'd guess he'd spend the final few years of his life where he's too old to be in active service either performing a similar role to Chief Mendez, or working in some other capacity for the UNSC.
  17. I'd love to have seen what Philip K. **** could have done with the Halo universe. Blade Runner is one of my favourite films of all time, and a lot of the themes it explores - what it means to be alive, what makes us human, what the purpose of your life is when you've literally been created for a single job, only to have that taken away from you - seem like they'd be the kind of questions the Master Chief would be asking himself after the events of Halo 4, especially as he himself is basically half-machine (and possibly less than half-human thanks to the librarian). One of the things that I loved about Halo 4 was the fact that 343i put so much effort into trying to flesh him out as an actual character, rather than just treating him as an emotionless weapon. And what made that so interesting to explore is the fact that, he's supposed to be an emotionless weapon! As far as the Chief knows, pretty much everyone he's ever formed a relationship with, from the other Spartans, to Halsey, to Johnson, to the Keyes, and ultimately even Cortana, is now dead: worse, with the creation of the Spartan-IVs in their next-generation armour, he's been replaced. He no longer has any close friends, no chance of living a normal life or integrating with the new Spartan program, and even as a weapon he's redundant. That's some incredibly interesting stuff to explore, and the kind of stuff that Philip K. **** was a master of, so I would definitely have loved to see him around either as a writer for Halo 5, or to work on some of the expanded-universe stuff.
  18. Yes. The original multiplayer will be available on its original engine, on the original maps, with exactly the same settings as when Halo 2 was first released, including all the original bugs, glitches, and tricks. This will look exactly the same as the original Halo 2, except running at 60FPS and in 1080p. There will be a separate playlist with some new maps on a completely new engine, which will be basically the same except with all the bugs and glitches removed, and with completely new graphics.
  19. If you're playing the classic Halo 2 multiplayer (running the original maps on their original engine), then all of the original glitches and exploits will still work - this includes things like button combos, trick jumps, and superbounces, which should function exactly as they did when the game was first released. However, in the updated Halo 2: Anniversary engine these won't be available.
  20. It makes perfect sense. The Librarian intended that the Didact would eventually be able to work with humanity once he'd awoken, and he'd need a ship both to get off Requiem and then to actually help us afterward: plus, I'm not actually convinced that it's a warship. There are a few point defence guns, sure, but as we've seen they're incapable of shooting down a single Broadsword fighter craft (and compare that to how brutally effective most other Forerunner dedicated weapons systems are), and since the Composer, its main weapon, isn't actually part of the ship but was basically just bolted onto it after the attack on Ivanoff Station, it's quite possibly just an oversized freighter or research vessel retroffited with whatever weapons the Didact could find. As for why there are human and Covenant weapons on it - this also makes perfect sense. When you fight an enemy, you want to learn as much about them as possible, and that means examining their technology and comparing it to your own. It's fairly heavily implied throughout the mission 'Infinity' that the only reason any of the Marines you encounter survive is because the Chief was there - and even then, particularly on the higher difficulties you can expect a lot of them to die. Since the last time the Didact met humanity they'd been stripped of all their technology, it makes sense that he'd want to study them to see how far they'd come while he was locked away, and so once a group of Prometheans had finished off a group of Marines or Covenant, they'd almost certainly retrieve their weapons for study. Plus, once the Covenant had surrendered to the Didact, I'm sure they'd consider it an honour to give up their weapons to him if he asked, and since the Gravity Hammer is a status symbol for Brutes, he'd definitely want to see it, especially as it's so rare compared to the Energy Sword - which is now apparently standard-issue to pretty much every Elite rather than being restricted to higher castes. This is speculation, sure, but it does make sense in context and fits with what we know of the Didact.
  21. Remember, for the next two weeks Halo: Reach is available for FREE to anyone with an XBL Gold subscription via the Games with Gold programme!

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