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Everything posted by RedStarRocket91

  1. Pretty much the perfect solution. I don't think anybody likes being stuck on the same map three or four times in a row. Reach was nothing but Uncaged, Countdown and Sword Base, and yet even that was kind of okay because it was at least rare that you got the same one twice in a row.
  2. I think it's possible to put images on a USB stick and transfer them to your 360's hard drive. I'm not sure if you can then use it as a profile picture, but with luck you'll be able to do it - I'm fairly sure I've seen gamers with custom pictures before, so it definitely should be possible. Also, congrats on hitting the thousand-post marker!
  3. Because nobody on 343i even touched any previous Halo games. And 343i isn't made up pretty much entirely of ex-Bungie employees who loved Halo so much they quit their old jobs just to stay with it. Also, they've been working on it since Halo 3, as that's when Bungie and Microsoft split, which is why it's much more similar to 'classic' Halo games instead of Reach. And finally, just because you've been doing something for a long time doesn't automatically mean your opinion is somehow worth more than another's. In fact, if you have go back to saying how long you've been playing, that kind of suggests to me that your actual arguments are so flimsy as to not be worth reading. Yeah. That's because those maps were designed especially for Slayer, and so they work better than maps not designed for it. Sure, you could play Slayer on Ragnarok or Meltdown, but it wouldn't work nearly as well. I'm sure they will add more maps in the future, but we're two weeks in - they probably haven't even had any playable maps submitted yet, let alone something well-made and balanced enough to go into matchmaking. They've said that if a playlist becomes popular enough, they'll consider adding it permanently. Considering how much work they've put into designing maps and gametypes specially around things like Dominion, Capture the Flag and King of the Hill, is it really such a surprise that they'd like players to at least try their new gametypes? I'm a big fan of SWAT, and even I don't really mind there's no permanent playlist. It's encouraged me to try things I otherwise would have just ignored, and to my surprise I've really enjoyed it. It's automatic, so they aren't putting 'effort' into it. Plus, it's not like you can't play the game if you get an XP ban: you can still do everything you otherwise could, you just won't rank up for it. And if you're seriously playing the game not because you think it's fun but just because you want to see a little number increase, you're kind of missing the point. I think it's something like 10 mins of total inactivity and then you get autobooted. I'd like to see that get decreased: it's definitely in the game, but I agree it doesn't kick in nearly often enough. That's because 343i doesn't run these forums. EDIT: Darn, missed this the first time. To beat someone with a DMR, just get close to them. It's a long-range weapon, spray them with an Assault Rifle or a Storm Rifle. It's really bad at close ranges, so that's where you need to make them fight. The map packs they haven't released yet? Besides, if you think what we have now is bad, go and play some Halo 3. Let me know once you've played anything but Boundless and The Pit. I agree, $220m dollars worth of sales in the first 24 hours IS pretty bad for a console-specific title. As for maps and playlists, they've promised weekly updates, we have gametype-specific maps and playlists organised by gametype. The ranking system deliberately wasn't added at launch as they want to make sure everyone understand the game and knows the weapons and maps before they introduce it, so that people don't do unfairly well or badly just because everything is new. That's actually a better system than just throwing everyone together and permanently making it easier for people with beginner's luck.
  4. Anyone else really loving the new features of Capture the Flag? It's probably my new favourite gametype!

    1. Jay_Magnus


      I used to hate CTF, now I think it's fast paced and awesome.

  5. It's bad leadership because he wasn't making full use of his resources. all he needed to get a warning back to Earth was the Infinity itself: you don't need the extra tanks, soldiers, and weapons to do that, and indeed they didn't make any difference on the Infinity. However, he could have told them to stay with Chief, a situation where they could have made a very real difference, and didn't. That's a bad decision, and thus I believe poor leadership.
  6. Exactly. In those circumstances, where you can't do anything to hurt the Didact anyway, doesn't it seem like a better idea to get out of there and let everyone else know what's going on? If they'd stayed and fought, the Infinity probably would just have been destroyed, and humanity would have been Composed because Del Rio wouldn't have warned them of the danger. His getting out of there actually makes sense. What's less defendable is abandoning Chief without any help at all: technically Chief doesn't have to take orders from him as he's no longer part of the UNSC (he was declared MIA, after all), so he couldn't stop him from going, but knowing the he was going to try he should have helped him with everything he could. SOMEONE needed to get back outside Requiem to warn everyone about the Didact - but you don't need an entire ship full of soldiers, weapons, and vehicles in order to do that. He should have dropped everything off to help Chief, and then ordered the Infinity back to UNSC space with the bare minimum crew.
  7. Back in Reach, if enough people muted you then you'd automatically get a 'mute ban' and people would have to deliberately unmute you to hear your voice. It might be something similar at work here: people might have muted you because they don't like hearing people talking in-game, or they don't speak your language. It sucks, but I hope your ban gets lifted soon, or you at least get a proper explanation!
  8. In fairness, it depends VERY heavily on what time of day you're playing. I've seen as few as 13,000 people in Infinity Slayer over the past few days, and as high as 15,0000. All that changed was it got later into the evening, as more players from the Americas came online.
  9. I'm not sure why it's called a Binary Rifle, but it IS a one-hit-kill. You don't need to go for a headshot, you just have to hit the target. I'm not sure if this applies to players with Overshields, and it definitely doesn't apply to some vehicles, like the Mantis, but for regular Spartans it's guaranteed to kill as long as you hit them. EDIT: Tested in Splitscreen, and it WON'T kill a fully Overshielded player in one hit. If they have any Overshield left at all, you won't be abler to one-hit-kill them by hitting them in the body: however if their Overshield has almost run out (<~4 Assault Rifle Bullets' worth of Overshield left) then it IS still possible to get a one-hit-kill, but you need to hit them in the head.
  10. I can't believe this hasn't been thought of before. This is actually a really good idea - and considering most playlists are around 4 maps rotated over and over, it could actually work. Great idea, would love to see it implemented!
  11. Most likely because you aren't throwing the ball - most players kind of expect you to be doing that if it's in a safe position to do so. There's no bonus XP awarded just for protecting the Oddball carrier, unfortunately, so you might have to just try passing it around. That said, anyone who betrays you over it is a bad sport, and I personally would be avoiding them in the future.
  12. Very excited for Spartan Ops Episode II tomorrow! Who else is going to be playing?

    1. Azaxx


      Not me. Exams. :(

    2. RedStarRocket91


      That's a shame, but I hope you do well!

  13. He didn't say he couldn't kill them, he said he couldn't close a 20 kill gap in that time. And if your teammates are bad enough to have gotten into a 20 kill gap, they probably aren't going to be doing much to help you narrow it. It's actually nothing to do with 'nobody left behind' and all about to do with joining in-progress. How often does anyone quit out of a game when their team is 20 kills ahead, probably controlling all the power weapons and vehicles? The people losing will quit out, so when you get joined in, you go in on that team. EDIT: Please, PLEASE put that into a video!
  14. Have you ranked up very far yet? Once you get to certain ranks, you unlock more emblems to use. I'm not sure exactly what is and isn't available, but if you keep playing, you might eventually be able to remake your old emblem.
  15. Agreed. The only thing I'd disagree with here is that there's just too little push on it to dodge a Wraith, the widest vehicle in the game. If it had just a tiny bit more kick, enough to take you safely out of the Wraith's way, it'd be perfect.
  16. I remember in one of the interviews they gave that for for the first time, Flood is it's own coding, instead of just using modified coding from regular Slayer, so I don't know if it's possible to reintroduce regular Infection, and then to make Flood a subset of that. I do hope they can bring it back though, as much fun as Flood is when you have a good connection, I did really enjoy the Custom variants of Infection back in Halo 3 and Reach, and I'd like to see them come back, even if they just existed as Custom Games instead of a playlist.
  17. This. So much. It doesn't matter how well you balance weapons, people will find some more comfortable and suited to their playing style than others. Let's use Team Fortress 2 as an example. There's a class for everyone in that game, and (arguably) they're perfectly balanced: if you're better at using your class than the person you're against, you'll win. If they're better, they'll lose. If you're both equally good at using your classes, flip a coin to see who wins. But what if you had to unlock classes over time? If, say at the start you could only play as the Scout and the Heavy. That's great if you're the kind of player who likes those, but if you're the kind of person who likes to play as a Sniper, you're in trouble. It doesn't matter that everything's balanced, because while your friend gets his ideal class from day one, you have to wait three weeks to get yours. You could be a MUCH better player than him overall, and yet he does better purely because he gets his ideal setup earlier. So fully agreed with that, I'd love to see the entire armoury unlocked for everyone. Doesn't bother me if I start losing more because my opponents are better, because at least that's something in our control.
  18. I'd go with Phobia, it sounds the coolest of the three - any ideas what you're going to put on the front/end?
  19. I think it works in Slayer games, because they're generally more about you as an individual player than as a team. Even if your team loses in Slayer, if you've had a good game it doesn't really matter so much if you've personally had a good game: and it still feels bad if you win, but you've had a terrible game. A lot of people look at K/D as important, but very few people care about Win/Loss, because outside of clans they know it's fundamentally beyond their control. Objective games are different. If there's a space in a game already in progress, it's usually because that team is losing badly, or being spawn camped, or full of useless teammates, or whatever. And since these games are about teamwork much more than individual skill, it's no fun at all to be on the losing team, because you usually can't make an difference regardless of how good you are. In a way it also encourages quitting: you can now just say 'if I leave, it's okay because someone else will come in, so I'm not really letting my team down'. Plus, the system tries to put you repeatedly into the same game. The other night, I was put into the same game FOUR times - it was me and two guys, one of whom was AFK, against a party of five. The first time I joined the team was losing by three flags: the last time, four. I am never, ever going to play a game where I'm losing that badly from the start. And yet every time I quit, I just got put back into that game. There needs to be a ban on getting back into games you've just quit, so if you don't like a game, you don't get put back in straightaway. So in short: yes for Slayer, and no for Objective, at least not without tweaks. At the very least I'd like to see an option for 'lobby only', like we used to have for skill, connection and language: I don't care if it takes three times as long to find a game, so long as I at least have the option of going lobby only.
  20. Okay, first things first. Nobody is trying to say your opinion is wrong. If you think Halo 4 was a masterpiece and a shining example of the genre, then good for you. If you think it's the worst thing to happen since the Black Death, also good for you. But we're a forum, not a blog. A blog is something where you can just post your opinion and then walk off. It's a place dedicated to your thoughts and your thoughts alone. A forum is a place for discussion. It's about talking to other people, for sharing ideas and opinions. And there are already more than enough topics about why people don't like Halo 4: you're already spoiled for choice if you want to rage, and it's not even a week old yet! We don't want to stop you from posting your opinion. It takes a special kind of effort to sign up to a fan website just to say how much of a fan you aren't. All those of us who actually liked Halo 4, or at least liked bits of it, want is to be able to talk about those things, and not have our threads shoved off the board within an hour with no replies because so many new topics, all saying the same thing, have appeared in the meantime. And most new topics are from new members with one post, who won't look at any replies they get or even post again, and that's not fair for the rest of us. If you don't like Halo 4, your opinion matters. But ours does too. And we're getting sick of being denied it.
  21. I think it has to be done online to get the Mark VI armour, unfortunately. However, if you have the achievements, you could try asking one of the mods over at the Waypoint Forums to manually unlock it for you. I'm not sure whether they'd be able to help, as it may be fully automatic, but that's your best chance - alternatively, you could try doing the last mission again, and see if that helps. Good luck!
  22. Well, you could start by seeing how high up the scoreboard you are at the end of a game, that's normally a pretty good indicator. If you're not happy with that, try looking through the postgame carnage report, that should give you an idea of how skilled you were in the last game.
  23. You know, this is everything that's wrong with 'true' Halo fans. Someone comes in, saying they aren't great, and asking why Halo doesn't have a feature that Call of Duty has, a feature which is, let's be fair, very useful, and you immediately come in and just insult them. He didn't ask for a game with no skill, he asked for ways of learning to get better and practice before going online, and he admitted his aim wasn't great. What's so bad about that? On topic: back in Halo 3, they had a special playlist for newer players, so that all the people who'd just started playing would be able to learn together instead of immediately getting thrown in against the pros: I'm not sure why that wasn't in Reach, unless it's just something that was introduced after launch, so players who've been in from very early on can't access it. As for bots, that's something a lot of people have been asking for, but we're told there are very good reasons to do with the game engine as to why it's very unlikely they'll be included, not least because they wouldn't actually play like proper human players even if they could be implemented. I don't know the details, but if you're interested you could go searching for one of Twinreaper's posts on the subject, as he's very knowledgeable about all things coding. If you want to improve your aim before going online, your best bet is to go into custom games with a few friends and just play there first: invite a few people around and play some splitscreen against one another. If you can't get anyone around or don't have the conrollers, try asking around on the forums, as there are a lot of friendly people who'd be more than happy to practice with you: Dedicated members are especially good for this. Until then, there are a couple of general tricks you could use in multiplayer to help yourself out. Start by using a fully-automatic weapon like the Assault Rifle or Storm Rifle. They're very powerful at close ranges and can be quite forgiving if your accuracy isn't so great, as they have large clips and plenty of aim assist - just get in close and pull the trigger. Don't bother going for headshots to start with: just focus on hitting your targets, and your aim will slowly improve on its own. Stay close to your teammates, as it not only means you'll be doing more damage to any enemies you meet, but it gives them something else to shoot at, making you more likely to survive. Use an Armor Ability which feels comfortable to you: you'll have played with most of them in Campaign, so you'll know what to use from that. If you see an enemy you want to attack, throw both grenades at him as you run in to attack. You're still new, so your main aim is just to try and get around one kill per respawn: this means you don't need to worry about saving ammunition for another fight, so use everything you have on the first target you meet. The most important thing is to practice, as everything else will follow in time. Your aim WILL improve the longer you play; you WILL get better at headshotting opponents the longer you play; and you WILL get better the longer you play. Custom games are your secret weapon, and if you've got a few good friends to play them with, you might even enjoy it!
  24. You may need to redo the campaign, unfortunately. If you finish it again and it still hasn't unlocked, or if you really don't want to do it again and you still have the achievement unlocked on your profile, try contacting a mod over at the Waypoint forums, and the might be able to manually unlock it for you. Good luck, hope you get it soon!
  25. Surely if a team's competitive rather than casual, they'll actually be out looking for other teams to play against, rather than just trying their luck in matchmaking? And since it's quite possible to play 8v8 in custom games, I'm sure it won't come to that.
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