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Everything posted by RedStarRocket91

  1. I'm actually disappointed by this - part of the fun of Invasion was that both sides, in addition to different character models, had differing traits as well as weapon sets. If they're both Spartans then both of those are lost. Elites as they existed didn't really add anything to the gameplay in Halo 2 and Halo 3, but they completely changed the feel of combat in Reach. I do hope they're replaced with something new, Invasion would lose a good part of its appeal if it was reduced to just Spartans vs Spartans.
  2. Or the troop transport 'hog on Uplift Reserve in ODST. Two Spartan Lasers, a Rocket Launcher and a Fuel Rod Gun... ah, good times!
  3. Don't! I didn't spot them the first time either, there's no harm in overlooking something!
  4. I'd really like it back, and think it could be well synergised with the 'Custom Loadouts' idea. At close range, SMG > Assault Rifle, right? At long range, DMR > Battle Rifle, right? The Assault Rifle and Battle Rifle are MUCH better than either the DMR or the SMG as general-purpose weapons, though. So here's my thought: what if, as part of your very first loadouts, you could pick either the Assault Rifle or the Battle Rifle as your primary weapon, but the SMG and the DMR had to be unlocked? So that way everyone gets a general-purpose weapon which remains effective at any range, but can take the risk of specialising and getting a weapon which is much more effective, but only if they use it properly?
  5. It has a UNSC emblem on it. Plus the letters 'UNSC'. I'm not convinced it's a Gauss weapon. It doesn't look anything like either of the versions of Warthog-mounted Gauss cannons that we've already seen. I'm definitely going with either a human version of the Plasma Rifle/Repeater or some sort of railgun.
  6. I actually feel like both of them have fairly equal AI control. That said, I generally prefer Elites on my side as they can actually regenerate Shields and their Plasma weapons comes in a lot more useful against tougher targets than Marine weaponry. Obvious exceptions when the Marines get heavy weapons like Rocket Launchers, Sniper Rifles and Spartan Lasers.
  7. I actually prefer fighting Brutes to Elites. They feel more balanced as enemies as they work equally well both at range and up close, while Elites generally seem better at one or the other. Plus, they're bigger targets, so it's much easier to stick them and snipe them.
  8. Nice thread, RoosterTeethFan! I always run through the Campaign before I do anything else, normally on Easy so that I can get a feel for the different weapons, vehicles and physics before anything else. After that I'll probably try it again on Heroic or Legendary, depending on how well I feel that I understand those, and after that I'll probably go into Custom Games for a bit to get ready for Matchmaking.
  9. Don't worry, this isn't Bnet - you won't get flamed just for asking! Unfortunately I don't have a code, but you could always look for one on eBay or Amazon - if that fails, you could try emailing Bungie directly and asking if they have any spare. Good luck!
  10. The skin even looks like the Locust's!
  11. They've really taken the Gears of War 3 art style to heart, haven't they? A lot more flesh on display than previously, I wonder how that's gong to work with maps set in vacuum or with blood and injury splatters? Be odd to shoot someone in the arm and for it to leave no obvious wounds, especially wit that much bare skin on display.
  12. The two postures already fill both of the game's needs. prone wouldn't serve any purpose if there isn't bloom or recoil. Standing up gives you movement at the expense of stealth. Crouching gives you stealth at the expense of movement. What does prone do that makes it unique?
  13. Any time you use external programs you run the risk of getting viruses, as Luke said. There'd need to be some special form of policing new files, for example they'd probably need to be manually looked over by 343i employees before they could be used in the game, and that would make a lot of work for very little real reward from their perspective. The basic idea's a good one, though! It's just the logistics that are the problem.
  14. You don't need to bump mate, try advertising in the Shoutbox instead - it's a lot more effective than bumping! Anyway, as for becoming a lord, I think you need to have the titles granted to you by either the Queen or Parliament. They generally hand them out for exceptional service to the country in some way, the most traditional routes are politics or the church.
  15. Did you know that although there are buttons on the main forum index to support us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google+, only three of them actually work?
  16. I'm not keen on this idea of having to buy new loadout items with points gained from ranking up. That's going to shoehorn newer players into certain playstyles which may not suit them as well, and that really does hand an extra advantage to veteran players which just isn't necessary. I can see a lot of players jumping into Spartan Ops before Matchmaking, and that's a bit of a shame. At least it means you don't have to go in Matchmaking with a huge disadvantage, though.
  17. The firing sound's quite strange. It almost sounds like it's suppressed, a lot quieter than I was expecting. Though I suppose it could just be mixed down so we can hear the laughter. Anyone else notice the apparent lack of aim assist? I wonder if they just haven't built it in yet, or if they're deliberately making it harder to aim weapons.
  18. I actually thought it had been patched, at least in TU gametypes. We should get three or four people together and test it.
  19. Finished my map for the April Forge contest! Anyone who's played Mass Effect 3 will immediately see where I got the inspiration from

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedStarRocket91
    3. One


      Do I smell plagiarism? ;D


    4. RedStarRocket91


      "A single stolen idea is plagiarism, a hundred stolen ideas is research" :)

  20. I think that the current system, what I like to call 'Corpse Vision', works better than killcams. If you're paying attention to the game then you'll already know how you died. More importantly, a good player can use 'Corpse Vision' to work out not only where they were being attacked from, but where their attacker is going next if they're moving, or gain more information about enemy forces in their body's area which actually increase their chances of survival when they respawn. Killcams don't really do that. Final killcam might be a cool idea, though. The game's not continuing, so there's no need to worry about using your body to look around.
  21. Motion tracker =/= radar map. In CoD, you only show up when there's some sort of perk being used, and then only at intervals, or if you're firing your weapon. This happens no matter where you are on the map in relation to your opponent. In Halo, you show up as long as you're in range of your opponent and are moving quickly or taking aggressive action, i.e. throwing grenades or firing your weapon.
  22. I actually don't really mind how far the Spartans are going to be customisable. As long as it's clear in every situation what's part of the hitbox and what isn't, then it doesn't affect me whether we can customise the entire body or nothing at all. Customisation is just kind of a nice bonus for me.
  23. Let me get this straight. People are seriously threatening not to buy a game because they won't be able to use a certain character model that they never see unless they're dead or in a vehicle? I could understand if it was the price. Or the changes to gameplay. Or because it's a new studio. Or because you don't like the look of the direction the series is moving in. But seriously, character models!? What the heck is wrong with you people!?
  24. I did try it once or twice after I first heard about it, just to see if it was true. I felt really bad afterwards though.
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