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Everything posted by RedStarRocket91

  1. Tuh-mah-toes. What's your favourite song at the moment?
  2. Isn't that exactly what you were asking for earlier in the post? Unless it's something like Armor Lock - i.e. there is literally no skill involved in using it, whatsoever - this won't be a problem. If someone picks it and doesn't use it properly, then that's no different from getting hold of the Sniper Rifle and missing every shot, or sprinting up to someone with an Energy Sword. If someone does use it properly, what's your problem? It's no worse for you than if they're really good with the Battle Rifle. As for Custom Loadouts, I can see them being a lot of fun in social matches and Custom Games, especially if individual loadouts can have their physical traits modified as well (e.g. Health, Shields, Speed, Motion Tracker, etc.), or for 'Elimination' type game modes. I'm not so keen on them being part of ranked game modes, but I'm pretty sure it could be done without breaking the game. Besides, if every non-power weapon is properly balanced, does it really matter what someone spawns with? Contrary to popular belief, everyone spawning with the same weapon doesn't actually make for perfectly balanced gameplay. What if everyone on a team was great with the Assault Rifle, but bad with the Battle Rifle? In a Slayer match they'd dominate the opposing team, but get hammered in a Slayer BR game. Two completely different outcomes, but both from an apparently 'fair' starting situation? If everyone starts with their preferred starting weapon, then the best team will win and it won't come down to you not getting the gametype variant that you're best at. This is of course highly dependant on getting the initial spawn weaponry balanced, but if they are then it actually makes the game more balanced, more fair, and more competitive.
  3. There is already an option for this. Go to Player Preferences before you start Matchmaking. You can customise it to either 'Good Time' or 'Winning'. That really is all there is to it.
  4. There's a known glitch with the Revenant, whereby for someone sitting on the passenger seat with the Sniper Rifle, players' head hitboxes become SIGNIFICANTLY larger. To the point where you can literally just aim in the general direction of the player you want to target and pull the trigger but still get a headshot. As far as I know it hasn't been patched, so that's possibly one of your problems? Obviously it gets worse on maps with multiple Sniper Rifles/Revenants. Also, please don't publicly post gamertags of people you want to accuse of cheating. Just report them directly to Xbox LIVE, as if you're mistaken and they aren't actually cheating then not only does that harm their reputation and mean they could be subject to harassment, but technically you're committing libel.
  5. I once stuck a Brute in the groin in Halo 3 and could have sworn that he yelled 'Not my weak spot!'. Wish I'd thought to save the video...
  6. I'd actually prefer if the stairs weren't just treated as slopes, it would bring a whole new element to gameplay. People wouldn't be able to just bounce them up and down stairs without any skill at all, they'd have to be used a lot more tactically.
  7. Just to chip in, it's also very useful to have Quarians around for the Geth, as they can use their 'Sabotage' power to actually set them to fighting each other, taking the pressure off you and your teammates. Engineers in general work really well with Infiltrators, due to 'Shield Gating'. 'Shield Gating' basically means that if an enemy has any form of protection left, you won't be able to hurt the layer of protection below. It's exactly the same as non-bleedthrough gametypes on Reach. So even if a Geth Prime has 1 point of shield left and you Widow him in the head from a Tactical Cloak, all you'll do is knock out the last point of Shield. Use Engineers to strip defences via Overload and Incinerate, get your Infiltrators to take their heads off once those are down, and stay in the Justicar's barrier!
  8. I just hope you keep a vanilla shoutbox for those of us who don't like the TU. Seriously though, liking the @ system, can see this coming in very useful!
  9. Definitely not in competitive playlists. But in social matches, where people are looking to just goof around a little more, I don't know that it would be such a bad thing.
  10. I can see the positives of this in 'social' game modes, where the emphasis is less on winning and more on having fun. It'd be even better if this idea of classes extends beyond just weapon loadouts and into actual, physical traits: you can either have a Spartan with an Assault Rifle and a Battle Rifle with normal stats, or one with a DMR who moves faster, or one who only starts with a Battle Rifle but has more Health and Grenades. It would certainly open up a lot more options in custom games, and it's worked really well even in games like Team Fortress 2 which have a similar feel to Halo.
  11. And... ta-da! I'm a dedicated member! Celebrating with a new profile pic

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZB-85


      Congratulations RedStarRocket91!!

    3. Kurt S-501
    4. RedStarRocket91


      The pic is actually of me, FIREN4 - and thanks, guys!

  12. I'd love to be able to pilot an Atlas from Mass Effect 3. It's be pretty balanced too provided the glass on the front could be cracked and then the pilot attacked directly. Nice thread, by the way - welcome to the forums!
  13. One more post and I'm a dedicated member! Must reign in the urge to just post 'no' in something...

  14. I actually managed to 'Like' the page previously, but I can't find it anymore - have tried the link, manually searching, and even my browser history. No success - has it been shut down due to infringement or something?
  15. I really, really liked Fallout 3. It's easily the greatest game I've ever played.
  16. Mine's normally blank (for those who don't know how, you set the background as empty and then toggle the primary while set to Seventh Column). However, for as long as I remain in the 'heads up' competition, it's set to the number of rounds I've passed.
  17. I'd love to think there had once been complex life on Mars, but it just seems so unlikely. There's no fossil evidence, no complex mineral structures, no visible organic structures. But then what happens if we DO discover Mars really does have bacterial life? Is it right that we interfere? That's getting awfully close to 'playing God' territory...
  18. Actually, all they said was that players wouldn't be able to use Elites as their multiplayer avatars. It's entirely possible they're going to reappear in the new version of Firefight. It's possible your friend might have just been confusing some sort of updated Firefight with this, although I am curious to see what they're going to be doing with Invasion. It's popular enough that I don't think it'll just be discarded, and of course one side has to play the nonhumans...
  19. Infection is one of the most popular game modes in Halo: I'm fairly certain that it's actually second only to Slayer in terms of playlist population. It would be a real shame if we didn't have even one map that supported it. Also, there's no reason why some of our other Forgers couldn't modify them for you if you'd prefer not to do it yourself!
  20. In order of release date, I have a Master System, a Mega Drive II, a Playstation, a Dreamcast, and a Playstation II. I also have had two gaming PCs, neither of which currently work. Which do you consider to be better, Sonic or Mario?
  21. They haven't said they're going to make Chief heavier and slower at all. They said they want to make you actually feel like you're wearing all that armour. It probably means that if you run into something, it'll get knocked backwards with more obvious force instead of just bumping, or that if you jump onto something from height it'll take damage, i.e. fusion coils will explode, Warthog bonnets will buckle, or whatever. Maybe players will just fall faster than before and make louder noises when they hit stuff. They've already said they want to make players feel as powerful and agile as Chief as always been, instead of the weaker Spartans of Reach. Weakening him does the exact opposite of that. In short, don't worry about it.
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