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Everything posted by RedStarRocket91

  1. How about a snow-themed re-imagining of Sandtrap? It could be called 'Snowtrap' or 'Icetrap' or whatever. As long as the maps are varied in layout and visual style, I don't really mind exactly what sort of settings they have. I'd quite like it if individual maps had gimmicks, like moving parts, low gravity, or lots of teleporters, though. Would make things more interesting.
  2. Finally, a playlist where I don't have to worry about getting stuck playing the train wreck of a level that is Uncaged! Mildly disappointed about removal of Elite Slayer. One of my favourite gametypes by far.
  3. I don't get it. GAME have been bleeding money for years now, why would anybody want to get into a venture where even after the initial outlay, they probably aren't going to see any profits?
  4. A flashlight would allow for the most interesting gameplay - a small light, as you pointed out, allows for much scarier scenarios. That said, I'd like to see some sort of enhanced VISR system if the game is as open-worlded as has been suggested. Perhaps it could include a feature that measure an enemy's current Shield and Health strength, or allow object 'tagging' as with Gears of War 3 and Crysis 2.
  5. I actually really liked Two Betrayals. I know a lot of people hated it because it was basically Assault on the Control Room in reverse, but for me it just felt the way Halo should - overcoming impossible odds across a giant map, facing two enemy forces meaning you constantly had to adapt your tactics, low on supplies and no help in sight... darn difficult, but so rewarding.
  6. Boiling hot tea, splash of milk, two sugars. Never fails!
  7. If the motion tracker remained active as you did it, I think it would be a lot better than the current system. Far too often, people see you sneaking up behind them as they're assassinating someone, then turn round and kill you. It gives them an advantage and since a full assassination is supposed to be about risk, that's unfair.
  8. The cave in the canyon in Forge World, the top bit actually has a 'lip' which extends outwards leaving a little bit of space beneath it in the water. I crouched there, some guy ran off without looking down and I just ran up behind him and assassinated him. I tried the same trick again in a team snipers game about a year later. Two people fell for it in a row - I'll upload the video, if anyone's interested?
  9. With two days left in the Forge contest, I'm thinking I should have made a thread for my map earlier. If you haven't already voted, please consider reading the thread and trying out the map - even if you dislike it, let me know why so I can make better maps in the future! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7137-memoria/

  10. Download Memoria Here! Memoria is a fully-enclosed map floating above the Pillar area of Forge World, with an emphasis on close-quarters combat and tactics over brute force. Inspired by the classic Halo CE map Rat Race and the inter-canyon passageways of Assault on the Control Room, it features a claustrophobic, moody setting and a tense environment for either duels or doubles. Competitors spawn at opposite ends lengthways, with the middle pillar of each base featuring a Health Pack on the rear and a Magnum in front. A DMR spawns at the right end of this corridor, with a Needle Rifle in the opposite direction. The lengthways corridors feature Plasma Rifles and Health Packs midway, while the core room features a Shotgun in the very centre, with neutral Plasma Grenades to each side and either a Plasma Pistol or Needler at the corners. While the external corridors are generally open, with clear sightlines for precision weapons, the central room instead features narrow sightlines and provides ample opportunities for a stealthy player to get the drop on a reckless opponent, though has very little cover between the central columns and the external ring. Though bases are protected from the core room by shield doors, the transitions into the lengthways corridors instead feature only a vision-obscuring pillar, allowing for stealthy attacks but leaving the user vulnerable to a well-placed 'Nade. Memoria features the following weapons: 4x Assault Rifle 4x Magnum 2x DMR 2x Needler Rifle 2x Plasma Rifle 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Needler 2x Plasma Grenade 6x Frag Grenade 1x Shotgun The long initial spawn corridors at either end of the map feature very open sight lines and little cover - the perfect place to show off your DMR skills! The angled walls at the end of the external corridors can be used to bounce grenades around the corner in order to ruin someone's day without exposing yourself to fire. The same angled walls can also provide a hiding spot if a DMR duel isn't going your way. If your opponent is cowering here, try angling a grenade off the slope at the back - messy results guaranteed! The Shotgun dominates the close-quarters playground of the central map - if your opponent has it, try sneaking through the maze of pillars in order to get behind them undetected! Going for the Plasma Grenades at either side of the central room is always risky. Alternatively, a grenade from the external corridor can ruin the day of someone camping here! The walls behind the Red Base and down their left flank offer a fabulous vista over Forge World, in contrast to the metal walls of Blue's rear and port side - use this to stay oriented! The lengthways corridors provide plenty of hiding spots as well as access to the core room - try hiding behind the pillars to surprise an opponent! The middle ground of the lengthways corridors feature Plasma Rifles - use these weapons as a devastating substitute for the Shotgun at close range! Version Notes - At present, Memoria is only compatible with either either one-versus-one FFA or Team Doubles. An updated version that supports more players may be released in the future. - May update to allow for more game types. Currently Works with Slayer, Assault, CtF, Oddball, KotH, Juggernaut, Stockpile. There are currently no plans to update for Race/Invasion. - Corners of map currently contain Assault Rifles. These may be changed to Plasma Repeaters in a future update. Spawn timers will remain unaffected. - Currently considering changing central Shotgun to a Sniper Rifle to promote map movement. Spare magazines and spawn timers will remain unaffected. - Currently, there are only static respawns. Dynamic respawns may be added in the future. Critical feedback is sincerely appreciated - it's the only way I'm going to get better!
  11. Or we could just increase movement speed.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's exactly what his post did.
  13. Sure, although it might be best to wait until after April 14th as I'm stuck at home until then and my internet here is really slow.
  14. I still think one or two other weapons would make things more interesting, but of course the final decision is yours. As is it's still a darn good map, if maybe one that'll work best if players have already explored it a few times. And I did immediately start wondering what was up at the top of the last ledge as soon as I walked into the Grenade Launcher room, which suggests most people would explore it. I maintain that it's a good map, anyway. Something different from the way I usually play, but that's not a bad thing! As for Forgehub, I think I actually have an account somewhere, but I can't remember the last time I used it.
  15. As promised, I do have feedback! First off, I really like the aesthetic: it's a far cry from the average map, with a uniform sea of grey. There's obviously been a lot of thought put into giving every area that bit of detail, and as well as making the map look darn good it also really helps with staying oriented and getting around easily: for such a small map I was stunned by how much of the budget had been used, and that's a compliment! The actual layout is also really nice, it keeps things simple and yet there are a lot of ways to get around, which would prevent maps turning into stalemates and campfests. The low power weapon count is also a great choice in that respect. I also love the little details, like the rock walls and the little platform opposite the Sniper Rifle spawn in that room, and the open roof in the Custom Powerup room. It feels - and indeed, plays - a lot like Chill Out, one of my all-time favourite maps from Halo: CE. There are a few things I definitely think could be improved, though. While it's a great idea to restrict power weaponry, the 60s respawn timer on the Sniper Rifle still feels a little too generous, and could probably benefit from being lengthened: a good sniper will barely have run out of bullets in one minute, then they can just head back and grab more. I'd say maybe 120-140s would be a good time for this map size. I'd also swap the Grenade Launcher so it spawns in the area just in front of the teleport receiver node - as is, it's much riskier to get than the Sniper Rifle and indeed a lot harder to find, and weapons should always be easy to find regardless of how much a map has been played. On a similar topic, there also need to be a few more weapons in place - a Plasma Pistol, a Needler, a DMR, whatever, just something to add a little variety to the weapon sandbox. There don't need to be many - just two or three altogether would be about right - but there does need to be something for once ammunition starts running low and to give the player who doesn't like their spawning weapons a few more options. I'd also suggest a second Health Pack somewhere - the alcove in the Sniper Rifle spawn room that I mentioned previously isn't currently in use, and it would give players an incentive to make use of that ledge, as well as balancing up the map a little. While the Custom Powerup is accessible through a fairly easy jump from the upper deck of the stairs leading to the teleport receiver node, the Active Camouflage cannot be accessed save through either a grenade jump or use of the Jetpack - this really needs to be changed to make it accessible to all players, even if you'd prefer to make players detour to a jump to get it rather than just climb up the back. On a similar note, it may be better to trade out the Custom Powerup for an Overshield, as a small speed increase isn't worth very much against Active Camouflage and most people don't bother to set their up because they don't expect to see it. I do like the spawn delay though, that would definitely work in the case of an Overshield. As a last note, although I really the way you tried to disguise the nature of the gravity lift in the Health Pack room, I think it's probably better that you raise it slightly to make it more obvious, as it would make the map that little bit more intuitive to newer players. Regardless of all that, Angst is a really nice map that wouldn't have felt out of place on Combat Evolved and it's definitely one I'll be hanging on to!
  16. There's plenty of threads at the moment predicting what weapons will be in Halo 4. Everyone's wondering which old friends will be returning and how they'll have changed, and what new companions we'll be meeting. So I'm thinking, let's do something slightly different. Instead of trying to predict what weapons will appear in Halo 4, why not have a game where we try and create new and interesting weapons ourselves? There's a particular format I'm thinking they could be done in, which runs like this: Weapon Name Faction (UNSC, Covenant, Forerunner) Firing Mode (Single, Burst, Auto) Firing Rate (Low, Medium, High) Reload Speed (Low, Medium, High) Accuracy (Low, Medium, High) Shots to Kill (including headshots) Shots per Magazine Headshot Capable (Yes, No) Dual Wield (Yes, No) Bonus Effects (Supercombine, Area of Effect, Plasma Damage type, etc.) As an example, here are the Assault Rifle from Halo 3 and the Needle Rifle from Reach: MA5C UNSC Fully Automatic High RoF Fast Relod Medium Accuracy 16 shots/kill 32 shots/magazine Cannot headshot Cannot dual wield Bonus: On-screen ammunition counter Needle Rifle Covenant Single Shot Medium RoF Fast Reload High Accuracy 7 shots/kill (9 without headshot) 21 shots/magazine Can headshot Cannot dual-wield Bonus: Can get supercombine kills on unshielded opponents, 2x scope So using this system, we can come up with something like this: Ravager Forerunner Single Shot Medium RoF Slow Reload 4 shots/kill (6 without headshot) 12 shots/magazine Can headshot Cannot dual-wield Bonus: 2x scope, scope can see through walls, can fire through walls So, what can you come up with? Get creative!
  17. Yeah, a ten-round pistol would be good. Four shot kills would just be too powerful for a spawning weapon if it kept the same firing rate.
  18. No idea if you had the same amount of health - although I've had cases where it's as though it's taken me MUCH longer than others to reconnect to the game (scores changed, me having died and lost weapon, health and position changed, you get the idea). The lift on Reflection probably has more kills than me. It's psychotic - it's made more than a few appearances on Fails of the Weak.
  19. Thanks for the correction, I'll fix my previous post!
  20. I think the Magnum in Reach nailed it pretty perfectly, actually. Its counterpart in Halo 2 felt underpowered compared to the rest of the sandbox, same with that of Halo 3, unless you were dual-wielding in which case it became okay.
  21. Did you hear about the deaf man who was wrongly sent to prison for 20 years? He was given a bad hearing.
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