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Everything posted by RedStarRocket91

  1. New playlist with TU Slayer, Team Slayer only uses vanilla settings these days.
  2. The Pistol is only more accurate in the TU playlists, it still does the same amount of damage.
  3. Have you actually been on the custom challenge section of Waypoint to turn them in? You have to do it manually, you don't just finish the challenge and automatically get the credits.
  4. Don't think there's anything there that I would disagree with. Good job, would definitely like to see this implemented!
  5. You aren't supposed to be able to get double kills with the Pistol. It helps you defend yourself from respawn until you can find a better weapon. Also, don't complain that spamming it makes whether you get a kill or not entirely dependant on luck. That's what happens when you spam, and what is supposed to happen when you spam. Pace your shots and keep zoomed in and it's entirely possible to get kills with the pistol. Also, have you considered moving as a group with your team-mates? If you work together you can quite easily kill players with DMRs using nothing but Assault Rifles and Pistols. Also, it's not difficult to beat a DMR user with your pistol. Just get in close to them. People don't complain when they get killed trying to snipe a Shotgun user at close range, so why they get frustrated losing to the DMR at mid-range always confuses me. The only real problem is that the DMR is effective at every range, especially without melee bleedthrough, so you don't even have to worry about being tactical with weapon selection. It encourages map movement too, which the DMR doesn't. The DMR can fire across such long distances that it's not safe to move around on open maps - you've played Hemmorhage and Spire, you know exactly what I mean. Plus it's so powerful that there's no incentive to pick up other weapons - the Needler, the Needle Rifle, the Plasma Repeater, all are better than the Assault Rifle, but worse than the DMR. So you end up with a situation where everybody only uses the DMR, which just isn't fun. I also don't like that players have a better chance to beat power weapon users with the DMR. That' the point of power weapons: you beat them through teamwork and getting better weaponry of your own, not just by respawning and immediately having a perfect gun for the job.
  6. Why would you make a game mode focused incredibly heavily around vehicles and then encourage players not to use them...?
  7. I'd definitely agree. But I still think the Assault Rifle is a more 'Pro' weapon than the DMR.
  8. That's a fantastic spot, well done adamj004! I would never have noticed that.
  9. I quite like this, actually. It would work really well with the 'Friends' system in Reach, so you can at a glance see who in your clan is online and join them, especially if you don't want to clog up your friends list with people whom you only play one game with. Also, welcome to the forums!
  10. I actually think the DMR is a much more 'Casual' weapon that the Assault Rifle. It kills much quicker, has a scope, gets aim assist a lot further out, and indeed more aim assist overall. Plus you don't really need to control your trigger finger very much, as it stays fairly accurate no matter how much you spam it. With the Assault Rifle, you get almost no aim assist or bullet magnetism beyond very close range, so anything further than a few metres and you're aiming completely manually - compare this with the DMR which can fire just about the entire length of Countdown while scoped and still have mechanical assistance. Plus, unless you're fighting at point-blank range you need to be very careful about how fast you fire as otherwise you won't be able to hit anything. Face it. If you want to show how much of a 'Pro' you are, you should be using a weapon that doesn't give you help with aiming and which you need trigger discipline for. You should therefore be using the Assault Rifle, not a weapon that you barely have to aim, very powerful, and can hit targets from across the map with ease.
  11. I wonder what would happen if we worked out how many people who 'have always played Halo since it first came out' actually did play it back in 2001. I'm guessing maybe 10% of them? Most people who did don't go on about it because they understand that nobody actually cares how long you've been playing a game, they care about how well you support your opinions. Saying you've been playing it since you were six instead of providing any actual evidence for what you want changed impresses nobody. I actually happen to agree with the idea that getting more points for certain types of kills than others is bad, because I think it'll hurt map movement and because I think that it shouldn't matter how you defeat an enemy, only that you do, and that not watching the respawn timer is enough of a reward in itself. Players already get bonus experience points for their medals and commendations, so I don't see the need to give in-game rewards as well. Consider this: your team is well organised, in constant communication, and has worked hard to secure power weapons and map control points, as well as working in groups with Assault Rifles and vehicles to kill as quickly and safely as possible. My team is a disorganised bunch of lone wolves who run around with DMRs and sticky grenades. As a result, your team has 65 kills, while mine only has 35. However, my team has 70 points while yours only has 65, meaning my team is 5 fewer points away from winning compared to your team, even though your team is 30 kills ahead. Clearly this isn't a perfect representation - some of your team will have gotten bonus points, while not every kill on my team will have earned them. But it's still worth considering that situations like this can and will occur under the bonus points system, whereby a better team loses despite dominating the flow of play.
  12. Nah, the best gametype ever has yet to be invented. It allows you to dual-wield Shotguns and Rockets. And there is zero gravity.
  13. What I'd prefer to see is settings customised so that only a headshot will kill. The actual weapon used doesn't really bother me that much.
  14. This kind of makes sense. You can't really use your weapon while you're looking at the scoreboard, anyway.
  15. Just finished my map for the Forge contest - it's using tricks I've never tried before, so I hope you all get a chance to play it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bobo Magroto
    3. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      It better be good.

    4. RedStarRocket91


      Thanks guys! I think it is good - it's definitely the most complex map I've ever built - but that's for the community to decide, not me :)

  16. Armour doesn't protect you from shockwaves. Also, his armour weighs one tonne, not ten.
  17. That's the one part of Reach that I simply can't forgive. It just looks so... bad!
  18. I think we're quite a good forum as far as flaming goes, but I understand your caution especially if you're here from Bnet! It's such a shame when people start complaining about Halo being compared to any other game. As long as the core game feels the same, I don't really mind what it borrows from other titles. The visuals of Crysis are definitely a good thing to be going for!
  19. They seem to have taken quite a bit of inspiration from Crysis, actually - the hands, the bobbing HUD, even the guns to an extent. Not that that's a bad thing.
  20. Much as I agree that the series needs to move forward, I'm hesitant about this idea of 'custom loadouts', and probably will be until they clarify exactly what they mean. There are already enough custom-class-based FPS games out there, what makes Halo the most unique game on the market today is that it still sticks to the same basic formula, and adding things which radically change that - custom loadouts, adjustable character stats, whatever - only serve to lessen what makes Halo unique.
  21. Exactly as ShockGazm said, to stop people just setting three controllers to AFK and boosting up without any effort. That's why non-XBL profiles rank up so quickly, because it doesn't matter.
  22. Sounds perfect. Someone standing away from a doorway in bright red armour, obviously afk, you run in for a free assassination... and someone pops out with a Shotgun or an Energy Sword. There's loads of uses!
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