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Emile A129

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Posts posted by Emile A129

  1. Join us and check us out


    All who are loyal to us we shall be loyal also you join us and we join you. To are people we are bound but yet we are bound to nothing at all the only thing that limits us is time and yet time is not limited so are we then yet limited decide for yourself.....All I can promise is a brotherhood and sisterhood a fun and reliable community and a bond between members that shall last you a life time. Glory Honor Respect Fun Pride Humility Ambition Determination. These are qualities most appreciated and found within our clan gain some of these by joining the ranks and getting higher positions not based on recruiting but experience loyalty and Game ability.

    For a short amount of time high placing positions are available for 10 members worthy.

  2. Sprint is just one aspect of the game, and no offense to people who would quit Halo because Sprint was no longer there, but I think you'd be stupid to do that. I wouldn't care, as anybody with sense would say.

    is she lying though?.........................................................nope lol it made it a little more intense i feel but halo is halo and none the less it is a franchise i will follow to the end unfortunately and would love to do so.

  3. What.....is your definition of a sweaty kid?


    cod is great fun 

    okay it is pretty fun but we dont need it to be part of halo  

    and other guy im pretty sure as a SR of 56 i was crapping on 130 like still trains

  4. Lol you think someone with an SR130 is a sweaty kid? I can't even take your posts seriously.

    ig get da freak out my forums and stop trying to troll seriously like swat your going complain about swat and saying irrelevant things go outside and play paintball get involved in extra curricular activities or go buy cod we dont need these chump stuff

  5. Halo 5 Armour: Suggestions


    Hey everyone, i'd like to take a moment to propose some ideas and concepts for some halo 5 armour.


    Firstly i'd like to show everyone some concepts i have designed myself. (More may be added to the post)


    I am hoping to one day make it in the gaming industry and a pitcher and designer, what this armour originally was was armour that i am making for my own FPS game Pitch. Seeing as i am still in collage and maybe quite far from pitching a game, i may as well see if these armour are good enough for Halo.




    I drew this helmet freehand, The fashion i was trying to project with this helmet is Brutal, Heavily Armoured, Sleek and Technical.

    The purpose of wearers of this helmet would be to intercept enemies from primary objectives. This would be done in an all risk full brutality firefight. The heavy design and lack of a visor suggests a very technical nature of this gear.


    Ranger (Original name)


    Fine Liner Free Drawing:



    Fully Rendered:


    This helmet is by far one of my favorite concepts, sadly currently sharing the name of a current halo 4 helmet measures will have to be ensured to change this. This helmet is designed for rogue scouts that patrol of recon an area. The visor clearly shown wraps around the front and side of the helmet, giving well over 180 degrees puerperal vision.


    Another matter i would like to address is how th armour affects us. Halo armour has always just made our Spartans look pretty, i think it is time they got giving a use. Armour pieces should now be given designated statistics. My suggestion to these are as follows:


    Mobility / Weight:

    Damage Resistance:

    (Maybe more)


    These statistics show that armour should affect the player in terms of battle and mobility. It would create interesting ways in which players can play the game. Players should also have the ability to have a transparent visor, removed helmet, or removed armour pieces. Upon shooting places that armour was removed the player will take much more damage.


    Another suggestion i would like to make is to make sure that all armour is achievable. I loved the armour in Halo 4, but some armours are just too hard to get or completely unachievable. Examples:


    Stances: (Breach, Believe and Standoff) are all far too hard to get! They should be made much easier and should suit a play style instead of getting kills with a bunch of weapons. I have seen one person with Breach and one with believe. Standoff is just ridiculous, No gametypes have fuel rod cannons, beam rifles or gravity hammers even spawn! Sorry 343, but thats Crazy!


    Assault stance is achievable, but still far to hard.




    Vanguard, Protector (Skin), Commando, are just out of the question ridiculous. I have never seen anyone with these armours. And disappointingly there are my favorites. They would take bare months to achieve. A set of armour that requires a designated goal should only take a bare maximum of 8 Solid gameplay hours to achieve. (If i could make a suggestion, It shouldn't require the "Master" level on a commendation. I feel that the level master is very fair, but you shouldn't be required to reach it for all armours.




    Verdant was very hard to get and far too enduring. I feel if it was lowed by at least half it would be fair.


    I forget the name of it but the red visor requiring avenger medals is very hard.


    The message i am trying to get across here (And i definitely don't blame 343, it was their first game and they wouldn't have known how it would go down) but now they know (: so c'mon 343!


    One last thing that isn't entirely relevant. I Don't think all specializations should be available for unlock straight away, some should be restricted until you have done more, per say, completed a number of specializations.


    I hope you enjoyed my ideas. Thank you for reading! (:

    bruh thats the easiest one to get . go into BTB and hop in a ghost 6-10 matches later in  a ghost and warthog and you got your visor

  6. I actually like customisation for its total lack of functionality, I customize my spartan because it makes it personal, for me my armor is not a character ingame, it is how I present myself ingame, how I want to look.


    More customisation is always good in my eyes, ALWAYS (except for guns and such, do not touch my guns)

    I agree again with Cold Freeze except the guns part i liked the guns 

    • Like 1
  7. So you're pointing out that the base movement increase has made average travel time faster, as opposed to sprint itself. That still doesn't do anything to say that sprint makes travel times in Halo 4 faster than a lack of sprint in previous Halo games; it's just the impact of base movement speed.

    As mentioned already, the game will be as fast as the developers intend for it to be, sprint or no sprint. Previous Halo games were not broken in this sense.


    Firstly, you seem to have contradicted yourself with the very first sentence here, as in the first quote I responded to, you seemed to suggest that you agree with the fact that maps have been increased to compensate for sprint.

    Secondly, all you're doing is referencing Twins posts, when I have already responded in detail to all the points he made. If you disagree with a counter I offered, then please address those counters specfiically.


    Also, with Pit Stop, all you're doing is saying 'I can travel faster', but you haven't done anything to demonstrate that Halo ever needed faster average travel times. What was broken about the travel times in previous games without sprint?


    So in short, you don't personally want an increase in field of view due to other effects it can have such as disorientation. OK, fair enough, but this still doesn't mean sprint should be in the game; it just means that there's an alternative which you don't personally enjoy.

    I offered things such as base speed increase and field of view increase as a healthy alternative to sprint for people who say that like sprint for the illusion of speed it gives.


    Ah, but I didn't say that lore is less important than gameplay; I said that as far as gameplay goes, gameplay is more important. That means that when it comes to designing the game's mechanics, the way the mechanics interact and work together is more important than whether or not they're 100% consistent with the lore.

    If we were going by lore, then cooking grenades and going prone would be options, but due to the way those mechanics would interact with the way Halo plays, it is simply better not to include them. Again, the gameplay comes first when it comes to gameplay.


    Firstly, I don't understand why it is even remotely relevant to point to what we as humans are limited to doing when we are talking about fictional super-soldiers in a sci-fi universe.

    Secondly, all you're doing is pointing to moments in the canon where spartans happen not to be sprinting and shooting. You're being selective. If we have examples of both, then how can we possibly say that one is important while the other is not?

    The thing is, the examples you've given are not even examples where the spartans' weapons were needed while they were sprinting, so you can't possibly use that as an example anyway.

    When we have examples of spartans needing to sprint and shoot, they can do it, which is exactly my point. If canon really did dictate gameplay (and it should not), then spartans would be able to sprint and shoot accurately at the same time. In order to claim that they can't, you need to do more than simply point to examples where they happen to be sprinting without shooting - you'll need to demonstrate that the moments when they have been shown to sprint and shoot are in fact not canon, and then you'll have to demonstrate that gameplay should be modeled around that.


    As others before you have done, you have simply not read or understood that part in its entirety. I highly advise you to read it again more carefully.


    Notice I pointed out that the poll does nothing to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that more people dislike sprint.


    Exactly my point. If simply saying 'I like it' was enough to demonstrate that a feature works with a game, then any feature you can imagine, no matter how terrible, should indeed be in the game.

    Now don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that people aren't allowed to like any feature they want to like. It doesn't mean that they can't personally want it to return. It's just that saying 'I like it' doesn't do anything to effectively demonstrate that it will work for the game. More discussion is needed of course.


    To engage with someone who has default Armour Lock would be a person's choice, but that doesn't argue in favour of Armour Lock.


    It doesn't matter whether or not it's your choice to chase someone who runs away. What matters is that the other person is given such an easy advantage when they do decide to run away, which in itself changes the way Halo functions.

    One of the great things about Halo was how much it put things in the hands of the player when it came to controlling the outcome of the game. If you put yourself on top in an encounter by making better decisions and playing better than the other person, then they would have to exert at least an equal amount of skill and decision making in order to put themselves back in an equal place with you. Not unlike armour lock, sprint changes this dynamic because it gives the losing player a defensive ability which requires far less skill and input to get them out of a situation which required a certain amount of skill and input from the enemy player.


    "In the case of sprinting, shootign someone actually slows them down, so either they have to hope you have bad aim or no ammo, both a game of chance."

    Doesn't matter that it slows them down. Then broken dynamic is still there because you still have to sacrifice your ability to move at the same speed as they are just in order to slow them down a little.


    "Using sprint during a fight is a game of chance, you put yourself in a disadvantage to gain speed or keep walking for the ability to respond faster I can only see balance here."

    One of my favourite members on Halowaypoint responded to a similar claim in a thread about sprint recently, and he said it as well as it could be said. Just because there is a trade-off between two things does not automatically mean there is balance, and it does not mean that the feature is good.

    In order to "balance" the ability to turn and move, should there be a trade-off between using the right and left thumbstick? When one is activated, the other is disabled? Clearly, not all trade-offs work to benefit the game, and further explanation for why the trade-off is needed is necessary.


    More importantly, the "trade-off" between movement and shooting, when combined with long kill times, is exactly what the problem is. You're claiming that the very thing that's broken about sprint is the very thing that fixes it.

    Halo was about the combination of moving and shooting, not the trade-off. If anyone thinks that Halo was broken for being this way, and needed to be fixed, then Halo simply wasn't the game for them.


    "Gives speed, does not give an illusion, sprinting increases movement speed by 10 %"

    Nope. Sprint itself does not increase the speed of Halo games, it only increases the speed of Halo 4 because Halo 4 was designed with sprint in mind and therefore would naturally be slower than previous Halo games without it.

    As pointed out above, what you're really doing is referring to the increase in base speed, not the inclusion of sprint.

    lol thanks for doing something no one else wanted to do and for helping this guy see the errors of his ways.

  8. I liked all of Halo4's armor i think alot of it should move on to halo 5 from recon up to protector and the preorders though helmet selection along with forearm selection is pretty weak even with bonus content i agree with caboose and i have never ran into someone that looks similar to my armor  ever but i do see it happen alot with low ranks due to a lack of commendation progress and level unlocks but for the most part i think they did good i was hoping for the elite or Promethean option though but it didn't come maybe well get to be Forerunners? That would be nice i also missed firefight voices from reach.

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