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Emile A129

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Everything posted by Emile A129

  1. *CAUTION* -Foolishness ahead avoid if unable to handle- *CAUTION* READ AT OWN RISK lol just to keep a little relativity I'm going to use halo terms but here it is. I Just wanna see if I'm alone or not you don't have to share what you answered but if you want to feel free and the only reason this is up is because no one ever ask and i was feelin it today. BTW i mean this as in what you look for in a real connection not just to exchange data and move on. Cortana being = female Master Chief being = male Average AI life span = 7 years a mature AI would be 3+ years of age (Spartans Never DIE but do malfunction in completing orders and task without a functioning AI so will keep them relative to an AI's lifespan) Mature being = > 3 =26^ Young being= < 3 =26v Flood being = ? = What is time? H4- Mature/Maturer H1- Younger Flood- I Don't Care I LOVE IT I just so happen to love H4 Cortana and H1 MasterChief just keeping it real but i could care less how old your programing is if you have that maturer attitude maybe because i lack a little of it. "I'm Like chief in a covenant carrier" <( halo version of a common figure of speech statement do you know what the original is if you guess right a 10$ xbox live card is yours for the taking. by the end of july lol sorry I've got priorities)
  2. It has to be in matchmaking not custom games. also i found this interesting https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8DtxC0VL8SNQU80TGl0TFlvUzg/edit and here's the achievement unlock description https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8DtxC0VL8SNR1V6djRKZXBtMHM/edit always do research
  3. Sorry for not replying to you guys earlier I didn't realize until I looked back through that I replied to everyone else but you guys and I'm really sorry I'm sure you don't mind but i mind soo thanks for welcoming me
  4. Hi welcome and it is your one month anniversary to joining the forums and welcome
  5. Yay I'm not the newest to the forum any more lol...jk glad to be able to welcome you to the community hope you enjoy the atmosphere. Its pretty easy to fit in and express common or shared views and ideas and to be honest I don't know what I'm saying right now the only advice i can really give you from experience is try not to get negative 1 active posts because it hard to recover from other than that congrats on your first post and welcome.
  6. Well considering the amount of people hoping on Halo 2 i have redacted my earlier statement and reconsidered it and decided Halo 2 will be the most logical and exciting of them all considering its reviving old memories but creating new bonds.
  7. anger issues no. Multiplayer yes. Campaign indeed. There are no need for feuds and obviously the multiplayer i play the most is CTF HALO 4
  8. #shoutbox #foreveralone

  9. It works and i have three variants on my fileshare sooo yeah thread is good to be locked or removed then ? idk i dont have that kind of authority lol but problem is solved.
  10. I wish i could print this out and post it above my tv i didn't even know that some of these existed. time to try so new assassinations.
  11. in order to post in the shout box you must have atleast posted five times a great way to start is by introducing yourself in the introduction forum go check it out :)

  12. chilllin having fun in the shoutbox

  13. Sword all the way. I don't know how many times someone has swung a gravity hammer at me and i jump and the land on their head (or in lunging vicinity) and slice em down only to be shortly killed by a team (low health short range weapon). The sword is more agile and effective when running up on someone from a distance i believe.
  14. The best reason for betrayal to stay is the fact that their really isn't a reason to take it out. It isnt my fault you were assassinating the enemy and i didn't see you behind him when i shot a rocket at him. Also betrayal adds in the necessary sorry occasionally that we all need to hear and what's a world without a little regret.
  15. then wheres the fun in leveling up if everything is already unlocked.> it also could be that i am not understanding what you mean if so could you please explain ehh i don't think armour effects are a bad idea as long as their realistic but the question may not be can they add this but even if they chose to would they have time to input it into the game with what they already have planned.
  16. chillin, you?

    1. Guts


      Trolling on Battlefield 3 lol

    2. Emile A129
  17. i loved spartan ops and having my own characters developing story and seeing his boss armor and actions during cutscenes i loved spartan ops very much and i think it should remain in halo five as it adds to the story it was like halo 4s ODST but much better. And the fact that armor customization comes into role much more in spartan ops then in campaign or firefight i think spartan ops should not be removed. But i do miss firefight and believe if both cannot exist together because of limited time and staff (because we don't won't you guys to rush production to throw in things for us even if they are amazing because it lowers the quality of the game overall and normally has a huge affect on graphics, i would rather have quality over quantity.)then they should incorporate firefight qualities into spartan ops. In order to make spartan ops better i believe some changes should be made. For example add waves multiple objectives more diverse waves of enemies maps were the objectives are not in a straight line of sight 100 yds infront of you and enemies on the corners more of a cooperative necessity time limit even after obective complete (short survival mode) option to be the enemy or play the enemies point of view( although this contradicts my earlier statement about quality over quantity... its just something i would like to see)
  18. Thank you my good prime my the spark be with you
  19. I need some help building a new coaster/race map in halo reach tomorrow (THURSDAY) and was looking for volunteers the map will be on forge island as always. TIME: 2:30-4:30
  20. Its not like i have thing better to do on a saturday with no work. Why not spend time with the community thats is what makes it a community lol count me in
  21. it took four posts to negate -1 post :)... the happiness inside is real

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