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Everything posted by TheXploit

  1. Sorry but this wouldn't work because the maps would be created with sprint in mind. Meaning the maps would be bigger and not sprinting on them would make the game slower than it is.
  2. This is what happens when you have some many gametypes and you try to make each gametype it's own playlist. They need to just create a big team battle playlist and put all the gametypes for big teams in that playlist. If they want to create gametype specific playlist those should be done in rotation like double xp weekends, weekly, and even monthly, but they should still have the main playlist where you can at least play those gametypes even if there is not a specific playlist for that exact gametype.
  3. Like I said before if competitive and social/casual is separated jip would be fine in the social/casual atmosphere where winning isn't important. If your trying your hardest to win in those games then it's your problem as those games are meant to be social and casual. Competitive is where you should play to win and JIP should not belong there. 343i tried to combine both casual and competitive together in halo 4 and it just can't work for many reason. This is just one.
  4. I would also like to add to this idea that YOINK has to go. I'm tired of going for assassinations just to have them taken from me by one shot from teammate. However I still think the ability to save a teammate who is being assassinated should still be in.
  5. 1. I totally agree with you 2. I think loadouts could work as long as we stuck with what halo is. People complained about assault rifle or br starts in the past and this fixes that problem. As long as we have Percision/Assault for primary, Percision(Pistols)/Assault(SMGS) for secondary, and grenades I think we would be ok. 3. Instant respawn I agree should be removed, but I think the respawns should be a bit faster than they were is past halo's to speed up the game a bit. 4. Agree the ordanance drops should go. No reason to have them in halo as they don't fit what this game is. 5. Damage boost and Speed boost are just like the power ups we have seen in the past (OS, Invis). I think as long as there classified as power ups and have to be picked up on the map they would work fine. 6. This is the same thing as 4. I would also add to this list that sprint needs to be removed but I think that has been talked about enough as well as the return of descope.
  6. I would love to see the return of button glitches like that however in today's world with modded controllers I would find that it would just be too easy for people to press one button to do a double shot.
  7. How about the ability to customize more than just a spartan. In reach we got to choose a type of Elite but I want to go further than that. We choose a certain type of elite but then we can fully customize that type of elite just like we can with a spartan. What about the ability to play as a Brute, or the Didact and customize both of those? I think that would add to the customization a whole lot.
  8. I think the trueskill 1-50 system was geared more towards a match making system. What I mean by that is a system that matches you up with players that have similar skill as you do. In halo 3 the integrity of that system was destroyed because of thinks like de-leveling and multi accounts. Now I would love to see the 1-50 system return with some new support systems that go along with it, such as not allowing you to de-level past a certain point or even pushing people that have 10.0 kd's up the ranking system faster. However since I see this system as a match making system I feel that it needs to remain invisible to keep the integrity of the system in check. You could add all the support systems you want but someone will find a way to destroy it and that is why I want it to remain invisible. Now I'm not saying we need something that is visible to push us to play more just saying the 1-50 trueskill system is not that system. I would rather see a system that has a leaderboard so where we could fight to be #1 and would have to continue to play on one account to keep your rank.
  9. I think JIP is an interesting idea that I don't personally like but I truthfully think it could work in halo if done correctly. First I would say that competitive and social/casual play need to be separated and JIP is one of those prime examples of a feature that should be strictly in social/casual play and not in competitive play. With that said here is how I would set it up: - Rules: You have to set rules to allow for a game to be JIP'd into and not. For instance if the game is half over or if a game is a complete blowout. No one wants to join those type games so they should be turned off. - Bots: When someone quits a bot should take there place with similar skill until a new player takes its place. Now I know this would be kinda difficult but at least they wouldn't be down a man. - Option to turn JIP off: Yes even though JIP is in the game they should still give the ability for JIP to be turned off if the player doesn't want to be JIP'd into a game.
  10. Betrayals should be easy to understand. I remember bungie had put in a system in reach that would try to figure out if you were a habitual betrayer or not and if you were then the person you betray would be given the boot option more frequently. I found this to not work in many cases because of griffball where betrayals happen quite a bit. All we need is a basic system that works every time you step in a game. Here is how I would set it up. 1st: Like in past games when you betray someone you will get a penalty when you die. 2nd: You can not pick up the weapons of the person you betrayed until you face your penalty for betraying. Meaning you have to die before you can pick up his weapon. 3rd: I would go with the 3 strike rule and your automatically booted. I would also add that if you betray someone twice in a game then they are given the option to boot you or forgive you.
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