Rick Amsler
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Drone (3/19)
Ok sorry for the wait but here it is.. Chapter 6 6/16/2517 thirty five years ago “What does he mean? ‘He hasn’t told Halsey.’ that is ridiculous.” Vince said, however his voice lacked any conviction. (I am sure he is happy to finally have something to do) “I think it is his way of telling us that he has not told anyone.” replied Alexis, “He clearly doesn’t want us here at all; so he might be hoping that if we get caught we are going to be kicked out.” “Or maybe he has told everyone and this is just a test to see if we can do it?” stated Edward, “It would be possible. Wouldn’t it?” Finally I had deemed that there had been enough discussion. “Enough!” I shouted. “I think that the issue here is whether or not to go through with the mission.” I looked at each of them in turn, gathered my thoughts and said, “We were selected for a reason. It is my belief that Mendez has in fact told Halsey. With that in mind the challenge becomes then not only the retrieval of the package, but also being completely undetected for the duration of the mission. So we can’t even be perceived as being gone from this room.” That was when Edward chimed in, “I guess this might be useful then.” He said as he raised his hand revealing a key. “Is that what I think it is?” I asked. “it is.” Edward replied, revealing that the key was for the only door in the hanger. “How did you get it?” asked Alex. Edward told us that he had removed the key from one of the guards on one of their routine surveillance checks. “Well then what is our next step?” asked Nick, “Just because we have a way out means nothing in the grand scheme of things if we have no way to trick or neutralize the cameras.” A smile came to my face as I thought ‘my turn’ looking at the group I said, “This is where I think I may be able to help. I have had a history with electronics, all I have to do is trigger a massive problems diagnostic in the server to make a section of the system crash. And while the system is down record a section of us going around our daily routine.” Vince nodded, “it could work, now what do I need to do?” “Well,” I said, “you need to work on your acrobatic skills with Alex and Nick. Ok team let’s get to it.” As the team dispersed to their various tasks I wondered just how I was going to short out the camera system and then start a simultaneous recording without any tools or equipment. About an hour later I had my answer, my original idea had involved taping into the system by accessing one of the main cameras in the hanger, but after about 30 minutes of covert surveillance of these cameras, I found that it would be near impossible to reach any of these cameras without being seen. But later I realized that the sleeping pods have several linked cameras, providing me with my target. After another hour or so I had successfully tapped into the system by using the pad on the pod. After about another 10 to 20 minutes I had prepared a generic virus that would trigger a system shut down and restart. Triggering the virus I quickly set a program to automatically record 24 hours and loop starting at the restart and cleared my tracks and left to inform the others. When I finally got the team together it was obvious that the camera system had gone offline, primarily by seeing that the lights on the cameras were now off, as we gathered I said, “Ok the system is going to restart and record. We need one full day of normal procedure to fool the guards while we are away, including a recording of our guard’s check-ins with the security office. I was allowed to keep a small recording device for the purpose of maintaining a journal, so I can make use of that here. So everyone go about your regular training for the next day, and then we will make our move.” The next day progressed without incident, and as the day dragged on the team was starting to formulate a plan. Tomorrow we hijack the guards outside the hanger and head for the objective; it was that simple. 6/17/2517, 0200 hours. As it turns out simple is relative; for while we had a very clear understanding of our little hanger, we had very little intel on the hallways and areas outside it and therefore needed to improvise. That night we made our move, after incapacitating the two guards at our door, we then had to retrace a path that we had not seen in more than a week. Expecting some trap, snare, or some other trick or surprise that Mendez had prepared specifically for the purpose of catching us; yet they didn’t come, and as we approached the outer door I began to worry that we were about to walk right into a trap. “Hold here for a second.” I ordered, “We need to get our bearings.” I pulled out the map that Mendez had given us and began to look for a route to avoid any traps of any kind; especially given that Mendez had given us the map himself increased the likelihood that traps would spring up in the least obvious of places. Finally reaching a decision I turned to the others and said, “You are not going to like this but we are going to have to go right through the center of the compound.” “WHAT!?!” the word came almost simultaneously from the others. “Hear me out,” I said, “Mendez has most assuredly left traps in the areas most likely to normally be unsuspecting, which also means that the main force of the base of going to be working those specific areas; which leads to the undeniable fact that the main area of the base us now unguarded.” “It could work,” agreed Edward, “I suppose anyway.” “Ok then stay close and follow me,” I said. I rolled up the map and walked up to the door. “Stack up,” I ordered. (This allows us to move much faster through areas where there might be the potential for hazards or any other form of difficulty) as I slowly opened the door to peek the gap I could already see that I was correct. There were less than one fourth of the guards that should have been stationed on the wall. I scanned the yard and quickly determined the path of the lights. “Ok follow me,” I said, and quickly darted across the yard to a safe zone where the lights do not cover. As the rest of the group arrived I picked up a small rock and hurled it over the wall next to the nearby guard. The rock landed with a satisfying crunch as it bounced along in the dark, and was made even more successful by startling a small creature as I heard it scurry away. This of course grabbed the guard’s total attention as he turned and tasked the light to try and find the source of the disturbance. “Ok move, move, move,” I whispered, as I sprinted towards the wall and the ladder mounted there, racing up the ladder I glanced around for any other guards or incoming spot lights. As I reached the top of the ladder I saw that the guard had lost interest in the noise and had returned the light to its normal operations; but this was going to bring the light right past the ladder. “Step it up, the light is coming!” I urged. The team raced up the ladder as the light came ever closer, as Nick bringing up the rear of the group began his accent the light was less than 15 feet from crossing the ladder he climbed as fast as he could and just crawled over the lip of the wall as the light flashed past. I looked at him leaning against the short wall, “That was too close,” I said letting out a sigh of relief. After a moment Nick and I dropped over the exterior wall and into the forest beyond. When we reached the bottom of the wall and met up with the rest of our team I noticed that Vince had grabbed a length of rope from one of the crates that had been sitting in the open yard. “Good,” I said, “That will allow us to scale the wall on our trip back into the compound. Now let’s get that package.” 8/14/2552 Planet Reach I needed to slow down, but that was not going to be easy, the booster pack was empty and useless. I disengaged the pack, which gave me a greater range of movement. “Sir, 20 seconds until impact,” striker announced. “Yeah, this is going to be fun,” I said sarcastically. The ground rushed towards me as I flew at high speeds over a forest of trees. When I reached the treetops I broke through branches and shattered tree trunks. The shields of my suit flared as the impacts stressed them. “Lock the armor,” I ordered striker. This was an experimental feature that I had installed into the armor’s software, it locked the armor’s mechanical features, over pressurized the hydrostatic gel and temporarily forced the shields to near overload levels for several seconds. This lessened the impact damage to my armor and saved me from major injury. When I finally smashed into the ground I displaced sod and dirt for nearly 10 meters. The armor locking protocol disengaged and I stood up. “Striker where are we?” I asked. “Roughly 20 Kilometers outside of Manassas Sir,” Striker replied. “Ping the area for any RAVEN hardware,” I ordered. “Sir the likelihood of any of your team’s equipment being within Ping range is almost astronomical,” Striker explained. “Humor me Striker; I had hardware in the Manassas spaceport.” “Very well sir. Running ping search now,” Striker said, in a slightly curt manner. ‘Alright,’ I thought to myself it is time to get moving, so I started off in the direction of Manassas. I realized that striker had not meant that I was 20 kilometers from the city limits, but instead that I was 20 kilometers from the outskirts of the initial development of housing near Manassas, ‘I sure hope I can find some sort of transport. “Sir, I have received an automated reply,” Striker announced, sounding slightly surprised. “What is the response message?” I asked. “It was a set of coordinates and a title ‘the UNSC Executioner,’” Striker replied, “I thought it was supposed to be out system by now?” “Because I put it there,” I stated bluntly, “When you operate a top secret, black operations Spartan squad; you will find that you need to have some sort of transport. And when you operate in a multisystem area covering the Entirety of UNSC controlled space, tasking an entire UNSC frigate to transport 5 Spartans to the target area costs too much. So my team was told to find a more suitable alternative.” 5/23/2529 – Aboard the UNSC Pioneer in orbit of Algolis – Four years after Spartan activation. Spartan team Raven stood at ease outside the conference room of the UNSC Pioneer. While the Spartans would regularly be dressed in their Mjolnir armor this occasion however required their dress uniforms. The Ravens were the most successful Spartan II squad to date and no one but the High Command and a very select few inside ONI knew about it. The Spartans had been ordered to a “Performance Review” that should validate the Raven’s continued high priority, top secret status. A marine standing by the door reached up to his ear receiving a transmission through his earpiece; had the Spartans been wearing the Mjolnir armor they would have heard every word of the transmission, thanks to the modifications installed by Spartan Rick-259. “Spartans, they are ready for you,” the marine said as he opened the door to the room. The Spartans filed into the conference room and closed the door behind them. There was a small table in the room and at the table sat: Rear Admiral Parangosky, Admiral Ned Rich, and Colonel James Ackerson. The Spartans snapped quick salutes which were returned by the officers. “Spartans please sit,” said Panangosky. “You have likely surmised the purpose of this meeting but I do not think the true reason for this meeting has been made known to you.” “To put it bluntly you Ravens are just too darned expensive,” Colonel Ackerson stated without preamble. “Trying to keep the Ravens a secret from the regular military and even the other Spartan IIs, all the while transporting you on many of the same ships that they themselves travel on is becoming a near impossibility.” “In short you either need to find an alternative mode of transportation, or be phased into the ranks of the Spartan IIs,” said Parangosky as she glared at Ackerson. “Sirs, it would seem that our only option is to attempt to either build or commandeer a UNSC ship of an incredibly small nature. This would allow for ease of transport and lower the limitations on my squad,” said Rick-259. “But the issue is the lack of any current UNSC ships that could be piloted by my team alone.” “That is hardly what we want!” exclaimed Ackerson, he turned to the other officers and said, “We can’t have a ship of biological experiments just running around UNSC controlled space!” “Actually,” said Admiral Rich, “That isn’t a half bad idea. The Ravens could have complete autonomy and would be able to make immediate action when ordered. As where now we have to maneuver entire crews and ships around a string of hoops before the action can be made.” “I like it,” announced Parangosky, “Do you have any particular ships in mind?” “Ma’am, at the moment there is only two types of ships that can serve this purpose, a Chiroptera – class vessel or a small prowler. A Chiroptera would be preferred, but this in and of itself poses a problem, my team would first need to find one as they have all been either decommissioned or sold with vital systems removed and/or locked down,” said Rick-259. “My reasoning for a Chiroptera is that it has the smallest human manufactured Shaw-Fujikawa drive, and would be easily crewed by 5 Spartans. So ma’am unless you would happen to know where one was we will need to start searching immediately.” The Rear Admiral chuckled “You may be surprised to find that just because the Official records count them all as decommissioned there may yet be one that we can use.” As always feel free to give feedback.
still missing the point. just because a Banshee can fly at supersonic speeds (768 MPH) doesn't qualify as a technical top speed this also doesn't make it faster than modern aircraft as many of the U.S. planes can also reach supersonic speeds. I am again going to state this "I have not seen an (Exact) top speed referenced in the literature" If you can find an exact Official reference I will be glad to accept it.
ahh but you are missing my point I am not disputing that they can fly as fast or faster than modern planes. I was stating that i have never seen Specific and Exact points were top speed is mentioned. I have seen banshees referenced as: supersonic, as producing a sonic boom. but i have not seen an actual speed in either KPH or MPH.
ok but you haven't stated anything that would make the books themselves unreliable. as for the other stuff Technically a plasma torpedo while not a physical case that upon impact explodes is instead super-heated plasma Which is a physical object so that wording is still perfectly valid. a plasma bolt (depending on the weapon it is fired from has different temperatures and sizes) can give 3rd degree burns and for highpower bolts can burn through a body. Banshees don't necessarily fly faster than modern air craft (some types can) but it is not a rule, you have to understand that i have never seen a reference in any official halo lore that specifies the top speed of a banshee. When you are talking about energy shielded opponents yes bullets are of little use, and true - marines are physically infirior to elites and brutes and some jackals (tev'a'oen - if i have that spelled correctly) but as with grunts they are more deadly when in greater numbers. I don't know where you are jetting your information on this ether but mos UNSC ships can hover (unless you are referring to the lager classes such as destroyers and larger) because the do have external thrusters, or at the very least frigates do. so if you are referring to minuscule detail that can be debated till the end of time, none of these things cause any of the kilo 5 trilogy to become unreliable resources. I am sorry if i am being argumentative i just have a tendency to dig into things a little too much.
Depending on how good of an idea i have for the chapter and weather i am doing something else at the time between 1 and 3 hours per chapter is my average, I believe I wrote chapter two in about 37-45 minutes but it does varry (as well as how long it takes me to do my proof reads as well adds to the time)
Chapter 5 6/1/2517 thirty five years ago Waking up in my pod the next morning I quickly evacuated the pod as I had learned from the day before; but the bay was empty. Well almost empty, as I scanned the bay I noticed that Halsey was already here, and waiting for her answer. When she saw that I was awake she walked over to me, and asked, “Have you made your decision?” I nodded giving myself time to compose my thoughts, and finally said, “I will do my best and become the best that I can be, but I cannot work alone.” Halsey smiled at me, “That is very good; I will bring some others for you.” She turned and walked out leaving me in the bay once more alone. 6/7/2517 thirty five years ago Waking up for the sixth day in a row alone in the bay, I began the routine I created on my third day in this hanger in near solitary confinement. It began with a brisk jog around the bay for about 5-10 minutes, but I never could really tell how long it is because they didn’t have a clock anywhere in the bay. After the jog I moved to the jungle gym area; it had similar characteristics to a jungle gym; but it was much more than that, actually it appeared more like the skeleton of a fort. I would do as many lift exercises as my dad and teachers had taught me but in reality there were not very many. After that I moved to some of the machines; now at the start of the week I had no idea whatsoever on how they worked or what their purpose was. But as the week progressed I began to learn how to use them and they quickly became my favorite area to… well work, but then what else was I supposed to do it not like I was going anywhere. So while I was hoping that Halsey will bring some new recruits to train with; I had not expected her to come in that day with 4 children, while I was working with the strength building equipment. As she approached she nodded at me and said, “Well Rick here are your new teammates.” “Teammates?” I asked questioningly. One of the newcomers replied saying, “You know what a team is right?” His trainee ID read V-252 and he was accompanied by another two boys and a girl. “So we are going to be a team?” I asked Halsey. “Yes. And I believe you are going to be the best group by far.” Halsey replied. She turned to the group of kids that had walked in with her and said, “Meet your new team leader trainee Rick-259.” 6/15/2517 thirty five years ago Well I guess it was more of a punishment than a blessing to be a team leader. This is mostly due to the fact that if any of my teammates misbehaved, the trainers expected me to correct the issue. I found this out today when one in team training when one of the trainers underestimated the amount of power each member of my team has learned bring about. The trainer was trying to teach basic hand to hand combat tactics when Nick-195 side-stepped an incoming blow and used the trainer’s own momentum to propel him into the padded wall. Unfortunately the trainer hit hard enough to be knocked unconscious. That was when one of the other trainers walked up to me and ordered me to make the team run 15 laps around the bay. When I started to protest the trainer lifted his stun rod warningly. While I knew I could defeat the foolish man, I instantly knew that the punishment in the long run would be greater; so I nodded and ordered my team to run the 15 laps; which was the equivalent of 3.75 miles, suffice it to say my team was not happy. That night I learned that most of my team came from a very similar background to mine. Alexis or Alex as she insisted on being called, came from a very prominent military background, and although at the age of 8 she had been trained in several different fighting styles. Vince had an easier story; abandoned at birth he was in and out of adoption facilities. Growing up on the street he was able to learn many things that the average kid normally would, from hand to hand combat tactics to stealth evasion. Edward is the most interesting of the bunch. He grew up in a well-known politician’s home, and while I cannot say anything for his ability to fight his strategic ability is not to be ignored. And finally Nick while I suspect that his name is actually Nicolas he won’t say, Halsey said she found him in the streets of New Mombasa, but more than that we have not been told. I assume that his story is similar to Vince and mine but there is no way to know for sure. The next day we once again began the routine we had come to know; jog, run, stretch, bar drills, lifts, machines, hand-to-hand, repeat. It was during one of our hand-to-hand combat sessions that Chief Mendez walked in; as we had become more mindful of our status here as military cadets we promptly formed a line and stood at attention. Mendez searched us over, just as any other military officer would inspect troops. After his inspection ended he walked to an area directly in front of us and began to speak, “I know that you have been personally selected by Dr. Halsey as an advanced team. I however have yet to see how this improves what we are trying to accomplish here. So I have planned a mission of sorts; you will be tasked with the retrieval of an object inside a camp occupied by hostile troops. The goal is to remain undetected for the duration of the mission, and retrieve the objective.” Mendez paused and looked us over then continued, “I will give you a small map of the area, how you chose to proceed is up to you. You will be given no weapons or supplies, and you must first escape the compound without detection. Finally this task must be completed within a week from now.” Mendez handed me two small pieces of paper and walked out. Without hesitation I unfolded them both, the first held the map Mendez told us about, the other had a simple sentence on it, {I have not told Halsey.} 8/14/2552 aboard a covenant cruiser above the planet Reach. The trip to the escape pods was remarkably easy; I only encountered a single grunt in his way to the pods. I didn’t even bother with him as I flew past, which much to my delight this caused him to run even faster and scream, “Demon, this is your doing!” Which was quickly followed by a small decompression blast as a section blew outward into space. As I passed though the next bulkhead I sealed the hatch, pressurizing the hallway once more. As I approached the escape pod bay my chances of surviving seemed to be falling quickly, as hatch after hatch was empty; with the pods having already been launched. I decided to go for broke and forced one of the airlocks open. Once inside I needed to find a way to open the outer hatch. “Any ideas Striker?” I asked as I plugged into the main computer and saw that the countdown timer was at 3 minutes. “Just decompress and blow the door.” Striker suggested. I quickly decompressed the airlock and set a pair of small detonation charges on the outer door, the timer was down to 1 minute 39 seconds when I pressed the detonation switch. If it hadn’t been for my visors auto dampening feature the blast would have blinded me. I pushed off the interior hatch and flew into space, giving myself my first view of the damage. As I looked around I saw that there was another cruiser inbound, and trying to collect the escape pods. The timer beeped the 30 second mark, “Striker full power to the boosters.” I ordered. I forced a maximum burn of the jump jets in an attempt to get far enough away from the impending explosion. “10…9…8…7…” Striker counted down. “I can make it, I can make it.” I told myself. “4…3…2…1… detonation” The flash was blinding even through the complete darkness of my visor; then the blast wave hit and I saw the heads up display for my armor flicker as the energy shield absorbed impacts of small pieces of debris. Then my visor cleared and I saw a large chunk of the ship rocketing towards me. I put myself in to an even faster descent towards the planet hoping that I could out run the massive piece of debris. As I hit the atmosphere I knew that I was safe; for my speed allowed me to keep ahead of the now burning debris. I slowly began to maneuver myself out of the flight path of the incoming fireball. As soon as my flight path moved out of the way I needed to find out just where I was going to make land fall. As I tracked my speed, attitude, and direction, I located my landing area; and I thought to myself, “Well Rick your home.” Well I hope you liked this new chapter - feel free to comment
Ya that was just a little fun with Photoshop. I can see as good out of the visor as well as out of a brand new sunglasses (so really well) Have i shown these lights yet? They allow me to see in pitch blackness. Something like that... I am actually creating a continuing story and building a profile for the armor (which has so far manifested as a book that i am in the process of writing - http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36625-halo-black-ops-a-fan-fiction/ ) And so what I have so far is what my spartan would have been wearing at the fall of reach (minus special munitions that I still need to concept) and thus my armor consists of -A MK IV/V helmet (FUD) -A newly invented MK VI torso -Shoulders ODST/Scout -Forearms modified MK Vb variants (tactical pad on left) -MK VI cod -MK IV/V Thighs (soft case on left) -MK IV shins (W added knife sheathe) -and Test equipment for MJOLNIR Gen 2/ MK VII armor (boots)
I have gotten much better than when i started. My very first polystyrene weapon took approximately two weeks (at four to five hours a day) to 100% complete My most recent weapon (the larger halo 4 Railgun) took about 18 hours to complete. Then there are a few other ways that take even longer (like my halo reach Assault rifle) and can take several months to complete. and of course there is extreme variability for durability and detail depending on what material you use. (wood, resin, foams, etc...)
this is good advice but it is stuff that I actually do already. All of these weapons (except 2) were crafted out of polystyrene foam \|/ The problem with using polystyrene foam is that it reacts extremely violently to spray paints, so when the initial model is finished it is nearly perfectly smooth. But as i can't use a spray paint primer i hace to first prime the model with acrylics, and then use a plasti-dip paint, and finally spray on the final colors (however if the acrylic paint is not thick enough the spray paint still eats through the foam).
Yet another Reach cosplay (Pic Heavy)
Rick Amsler replied to Spartan Nix's topic in Member Created Work
Hey there Nix glad to see you on the forums! great work with the suit. -
Ok guys and girls I have finished my quick edit of chapter 4 Chapter 4 09/31/2517 thirty five years ago “How much more?” I asked. Halsey looked at me with a look as if she was thinking about something; and said, “Rick I would like you to become something greater than a solider. I can see you have great potential but it needs to be honed, focused, it will allow you to become even greater than any of the other trainees’ here. But you must recognize it and push yourself to be the best; now with that in mind do you think you can do that?” “Ma’am I believe you but I have no need or will to be a soldier.” I replied. “May I ask why?” Halsey asked. “3 years ago my parents were stationed aboard a U.N.S.C. vessel that was destroyed by the insurrectionists while in port. I had been on my return trip from a military ‘retreat’ when it happened. Now many would not expect a 5 year old to behave rationally at the news of his parent’s death, but I did. I don’t understand why but I overheard a couple of adults at the memorial saying ‘it is almost as if he has the mind of someone 3 times is age’ and so I decided to grow up and that was it. I never struggled in class or in anything after that point, but it remains a mystery to me. Yet the fact alone is my sole reason for not wanting to become a soldier.” Halsey paused a moment to collect her thoughts before saying “Well I want you to listen very closely because I am only going to say this once.” She waited a moment and said, “your parents were in the UNSC because it was what they loved, and I want you to understand that they died doing what they loved. Now with your understanding I want to consider what I have said, and tomorrow I want you to give me an answer. But know this you are here now no matter what your choice; and if you chose to be here willingly it will be faster.” She stood and walked out of the room. About 2 minutes later a soldier can and escorted me to a completely empty hanger with a single pod in the center. A small work out setup in the corner and some combat pits placed out along one wall. ‘Well this is cozy’ I thought, as I walked towards the pod. 8/14/2552 Aboard a covenant cruiser above the planet Reach. Alarms the only thing the can truly kill; or at least in the sense of trying to stay hidden and as a black ops soldier, a person learns to avoid setting off any kind of alarm, but as a captive on a covenant cruiser the only thing I can do to avoid an alarm is speed. With my combat knife in one hand and my commandeered plasma pistol in the other I continued to sprint towards the engine room. And then bam; six fully armored and armed elites appeared in the cross-section ahead of me. My mind raced at light-speed as I closed the distance to the intersection. Time seemed to slow as I set into a lifetime of reaction and reflex. One of the elites noticed my swift approach, the knife I was holding seamed to leap from my hand towards it. The knife sank hilt deep into the neck of the elite who noticed me, killing him without a sound. As he fell I gave control of the turret to striker, “minimal burst we don’t need to draw more attention than necessary.” The turret opened up on the elites as I reached them; I ripped the blade out of the fallen elite’s neck and spun to attack the nearest elite. My target was in the process of bringing a heavy sword arm down towards me when my knife smashed first through his mouth and then through the top of his skull. The body of the elite fell instantly limp causing the blade to miss me by the smallest of margins. I stood prepared for another attack only to find that the remaining three had been downed by the skilled efforts of Striker. “Good job Striker.” I said. “Thank you, sir.” I stopped for a moment to clean my knife and change out the plasma pistol for a new weapon; of the weapons the elites carried I chose a needle rifle as it brings the most punch to ammo ratio, and continued to move on. As I approached the engine room I paused to consider the best way to destroy the ship, because simply destroying the engine wouldn’t destroy the ship. Well whatever I have to do I need to clear the room. So let’s go with brute force; I opened the door to the engine room and walked in like I owned the place which took the 20 plus covenant by total surprise. Thinking to myself it’s time to take it over the top I said, “Listen carefully. Surrender or die!” It seemed that the appearance of a heavily armed and well prepared Spartan was enough to freeze them all into indecision for several crucial seconds, allowing me to close the door and destroy the controls that operate it. The six elites recovered the fastest; which I have learned is a typical of their species, the 6 elites in the room sprang into action with 4 immediately attacking me and the other 2 sprinting for what I believed to be the control room. I reacted quickly aiming the rifle at the lead elite and firing taking him down then training on the second taking him down just as quickly. As I turned to engage the other 4 elites I noticed that they were all down, “Striker, did you do that?” I asked, as I scanned the room. All of the other covenant seemed to have disappeared, but I kept an eye out for any movement. “Yes sir, I believed that it would be easier to continue if I helped out any way I could.” Striker replied. I activated the jump jet, rocketing myself to the control room. As I walked in I began the process of overloading every system I could access, adding levels of encryption that not even a paranoid would ever consider using. As I executed the program I sprinted out of the control room and leapt off the balcony onto the main floor. As I ran to one of the undamaged doors I grabbed an energy sword from one of the fallen elites and continued past to the escape pods. Now normally this would not be a very wise course of action, however the alarm I had set to tell them all to abandon ship should aid me slightly. And right on cue the alarms sound. As always feel free to leave comments.
I was just wondering specifically why you believe the Kilo 5 trilogy books are Unreliable? I have read through them all about 3 times now and have not really noticed anything that would make them break with halo cannon (in fact many of the plot points in halo 4 spartan ops tie directly to this trilogy) I am wondering because I am writing a small fan fiction that i am trying to keep as cannon as possible. As something else technically the halo games are Teir 1 cannon so in reality Halo: The Fall Of Reach is now non-cannon (just a thought)