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  • Location
    Manchester, UK

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xxEichhoernchen's Achievements


Jackal (2/19)




Community Answers

  1. ? I had no complaint. I just think that Bungie left something that was still in it's prime, I think 343 will do a good job.
  2. I like squirrels

    1. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      I like trains...your point?

  3. Console Mc is incredible. Nothing feeds the creativity better in a more comfortable (bad) posture, on the couch.
  4. Hmm.. I remember when word of Destiny had just come out, I was soooo excited by how it looked. Now i'm not really. I think halo can evolve to keep up with times, and maintain a competitive drive that makes people want to continue to participate and support. I think 343 has a lot of pressure to not ruin that (= Oh, and nice poem.
  5. Hahahaha, "have you tried getting good at the game" It's the kind of moaning I get in my inbox on xbl. I think all the aspects you complained about have their pros and cons and it's up to you to find a counter.
  6. add me on xbl I will be on soonish GT: xxEichhoernchen please note, my username has a typo that I can't figure out how to change, my username is not my GT.
  7. Hmm.. I hate to say it. But there is no option to change my username there. Or anywhere in my settings. I've checked on a couple different browsers, I can change the background color and add an image. Change my gamer tag, add profiles etc. Nothing about a username, maybe i'm just a noob
  8. Heyo! The title says it I suppose. Also, HOW DO YOU CHANGE YOUR USERNAME?!?!?!?! ergh, i'm so dumb, i made a stupid typo. Anyhow. Message me if you want to play swat with someone, add me on xbl.. xxEichhoernchen Thanks!
  9. How do you change your username?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xxEichhoernchen


      there definitely is not 0_o

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Really? In edit profile, there will be a tab that says "display name" on the side. (Left)

    4. RedStarRocket91


      On the top right of your profile page there should be an orange button which says 'edit my profile', click on that and then select the 'display name' menu. You can only change your username twice in any two-month period, though.

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