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Everything posted by halomaster117343

  1. Hey guys can we get a lobby together to get the dlc achievements online add me on Xbox GT gmagic16
  2. Hey guys anyone trying to get a lobby together to get the multilayer achievements? I need pretty much all of them if interested message me on Xbox my GT is gmagic16
  3. Hey guys been trying to get the dlc achievements too and haveby had a stroke of luck so if anyone is still interested msg me on Xbox my GT is gmagic16
  4. Well I guess that's what my post is about then so if anyone would like to join up to grab these achievements it would be greatly appreciated
  5. Is there any way to get a group of people who have the dlc in one lobby? Like in halo 3 with the foreign lobbys
  6. Hey guys I'm trying to get all of the achievements on halo 4 8 have all but one non matchmaking achievements but when I can't see richochet game type anymore and I have yet to see a dlc map pop up yet and i have all dlc so is there a way we can get around this?and if so can we get multiple people to help like 8 halo 3 with the foreign countty glitch where you can meet your friends in a match making gam?
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