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Samantha BettertonWaggoner

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I want Halo 4 up and working!!!

  2. Not sure if this is the correct page to vent... I just bought the Halo 4 for my son yesterday and we get home and he is unable to play the game. It would be an easy fix if we lived close to the retail store, but we live 2 hours away. So to return the game we are talking about a 5 hour day. It will cost me more in fuel then the game is worth. I have contacted Xbox Microsoft help chat desk and they have sent me to this site. Here is what they said: do understand that it's not going to be easy to drive to the store. You can also check to 343 Industries if they can provide you a direct link where you can download the games since you just purchased the game. Now we have already done all the updates and cleared the cache many times. Have removed the game and reinstalled several times. According to the help desk it is the disk. Thank you in advance, Samantha Waggoner
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