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  1. Looking for military based clan environment.

    1. Akali


      I'm not part of the clan but these are recruiting that you might like as a military clan environment maybe http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36769-fs-recruitment-thread-military-based/?p=328073

  2. A website to poke through would be great if you don't mind postin it. GT: OPSchief9388. Still learning, wanting to learn more with competitive, but laid back clan environment. Looking to invest myself for some time. Thx
  3. Thx for the replies so far, and yeah, been contacted a few times. Just nothing really suiting what I'm looking for, especially a deterrent when the parties i've joined to talk about what they're about is full of squeaky kids screaming at each other. Hoping to eventually begin something well balanced on my own when the Master Chief Collection comes out. For now, wanting to learn more about clan dynamics and put together a much more improved skillset. Thanks gents, willing to explore offers definitely, not as picky as you think. Wanting to learn mostly, maturity is big for me though Actually, took a look at you're post under AWI, definitely interested. Someone from the clan contacted me via live, left a message. Not sure if was yourself, if so, much appreciated. Took a look at the website and seems like something I'd definitely be down with. Next time you catch me on live, probably sometime in the late afternoon (have job interviews) over the next few days, would appreciate a party chat to iron out what it looks like inside. Thanks kindly
  4. 25 year old relatively new to game, looking for clan of mature gamers committed to improving skills, competition, and generating a community of friends. Deciding to get relatively serious about the gaming community (best escape for my mind amidst life tragedies) and more or less need help learning the ropes and getting better. Prefer a military styled ordeal, but appropriately managed and relaxed. Prior service USMC, deployment to Helmand Afghanistan (DDay) OEF 2009. And please, if leadership is anywhere around the age of 14 to 18, I am absolutely not interested. GT OPSchief9388
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