Greetings,I am the leader of VzS USA,We are a competitive and serious team, but we are looking to expand as well. In respect, we also have an European team so contact VzS Nicho (The Founder) about joining that team.I am looking to continue to add onto the VzS USA team so we can continue to build the VzS brand. My goal is to be able to branch off into more teams such as, VzS USA Echo, or VzS USA Red, (just examples) So far we have enough people in the whole VzS Halo Clan to practice with multiple different teams. Our goal is to be able to have at least one person or two people you can depend on run scrims with people or playing matchmaking. With that being said you have the chance to become a leader at some point in the future. Ranks and colors will be discussed and decided later. And gamer tags changes are a must because of our goal. We want to spread our name and brand and be able to play against the best.Contact my GT: VzS Saint
or my game battles account lilsaint_ct check out and apply at