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Everything posted by Giofosho

  1. Knowing Halo... there will be man cannons . Man Cannons= No Fall Damage
  2. Giofosho


    You are fine. That falls in line with multiplayer! It seems to me that they keep reusing the same emblems but a mass addition of both would satisfy a lot.
  3. Giofosho


    That would be sweet
  4. Giofosho


    Besides Mark VI and Mark IV, What other armor would you like to have for Halo 4?
  5. Bring back the Halo 2 ranking system! The competitiveness was incredible in that game!
  6. Giofosho

    Halo 4 Maps

    High Ground (with a graphic update) Foundation Valhalla maybe power house?
  7. Gamestop puts release dates out as a filler. There information isn't correct, it's only there for visual reasons. They want you to spend your money sooner.
  8. Yeah it kinda ruined my anniversary experience because i thought i was lagging out the whole time. A serious patch need to be made so i can finish the campaign
  9. Giofosho

    GRD Dolls

    yeah i figured that out too.
  10. You know that not everyone wants that to happen. If you can't play a game without someone quitting on your team, get a full team of your friends
  11. What is with these seven(maybe more) Grd dolls being placed around the maps? Is this referring to something?
  12. Giofosho

    GRD Dolls

    What is with the seven(maybe more) GRD dolls placed throughout the Anniversary map pack? Is this referring us to something?
  13. are you saying you can play with all the dlc then? with CEA
  14. so Halo anniversary will not include all the reach multiplayer content on its disc?
  15. Will the multiplayer that comes with anniversary have all halo reach DLC included? I'm talking defiant map pack and such
  16. Giofosho

    Halo 4 Beta

    if there is no proof about the beta, then lets close the post.
  17. Giofosho

    Halo 4 Beta

    was there information released about a possible beta?
  18. isn't this person supposed to have proper grammer?
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