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Everything posted by misterchief1996

  1. I want to join a gaming league that has halo 4, I've looked in MLG and UMG but they don't seem that popular, should I still sign up for either one or does anyone else have another suggestion
  2. Seems fun but it will be kinda hard getting rid of the virus considering that your defences will turn against you but overall sounds like a challenging but fun game mode
  3. Do thy have a site?? I tried looking and couldn't find it
  4. What is alg or elg or whatever it's called?
  5. Just curious to see who would want an mlg playlist and I am also wondering why 343 hasn't put one like they did in halo 3
  6. I would love to see some old maps return, I would like to see high ground come back, construct, the pit, along with board walk and sword base, what maps would you like to see return?
  7. What are your guys thoughts? Personally I enjoy it a lot it's like dominion which was one of my favourite game modes it sucks though that 343 removed it along with regicide :/
  8. Wow nice montages, kudos to your sniper skills, I haven't seen anyone post a video in a long time with your skills great job I look forward to seeing more
  9. i would like to see a season two, what about you guys what do you think?
  10. I sorta agree but I believe it should be a mix between achievements and ranks and medals
  11. So since the mcc is going to have all the halo games, do we get to carry over multiplayer ranks, like I hope so because I really don't want to start over again :/
  12. I haven't finished the first season in halo 4 but I am enjoying it so yes I would love to see a season two
  13. To be honest new movements would be good for the game, I hope 343 will make major changes and not just keep it the same as halo 4, going back to the movements, prone would be excellent and very useful, climbing ladders is nothing major but it would be a nice addition, sliding would be amazing also, as for my wishes, I would like to have weapons customizations, by that I mean have diffrent colours for the gun and have cool skins, and also attachments, but I would not like it to be like cod instead make it unique
  14. i really enjoy the suppressor in campaign, but in matchmaking i enjoy using the rail-gun because of how strong it is.
  15. sounds alright, i dont think i would play it that often though
  16. Do you think there will be new weapons? Also what weapons would you like to see return, I know there will be the battle rifle and all that but I am talking like new ones that were introduced in halo 4 ex. Saw, rail gun, suppressor etc.
  17. I would love to see the falcon return, the hornet would also be nice to bring back also, and hmmmm the elephant also
  18. well it will definitely be different from any other halo games, i think the plot sounds pretty good but not as good as the other halo games, and i would also like too know peoples thoughts on possible enemies, i seen two post talking about possible enemies, one being the didacts return and the other the flood, me personally i have no clue but from the trailer of halo 5 and when i found out what that bird like structure was i could say there could be some sort of forerunner involvement, quite possibly the diadact? im just taking a stab though! well what are your thoughts on the plot and some enemies that you think might return and why
  19. So in halo 3 odst what happened to the other pods that dropped also?
  20. It sucks they took it off the play list it was really fun, same with regicide, those two and slayer and capture the flag are the only things I play but now that they took those two things off I am just stuck playing slayer
  21. I believe it was just perfect
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