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halo h0lic

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Drone (3/19)



  1. soooo my felllow halo loversss,,,,,theress a war a brewing u seee for every place u preorder, you get a different skin. -----heres the names amazon= you get the rather ugly web armor.... gamestop=the sorta kool forest camo Microsoft store? = you get the coveted omggg PULSE armor wtf i want that sooo u have heard my stuff pick a side i will up date if theres more armor
  2. mise well i mean it is transition time..? the flames are a symbol of awsomness everyones wanted them do it do it
  3. i like 4 and 7 im adding this i want to be able to put my emblem any where on the body even the wang area and keep the arrow head
  4. make the infected,flood. in other wards let players be flood in infected
  5. look h2 was sweet how ever the world is certainly not gunna keep going back i meen halo 2 died in multiplayer, for a reason people got bored and bungie didnt want to use servers on 3,ooo people.besides that its been like a year since h2 online was shut off lol,
  6. i need commentssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  7. u do know there all sepreate i deas the planet is not that important
  8. what if you could forge your armor and wear it.
  9. comment share you ideas get this noticed most of all get the destanation & glue tool noticed it will be revolutionary i promise!
  10. if they could make a tool were you could set a destanation for a forge object. say you wanted to make a pirate ship , were normally it is stationary this would make it move ,you could move it around on top of water,or even better lava. it would be set in time ,like say the game was fifteen minutes you could have it move for five and then sink!!! if you wanted a giant robot you could have it move. if you need a rocket to fly high it could move. if you wanted to make an indian jones map with the boulder you could make it if you wanted a haunted house infection map you could make doors open and close while the spartans move throughout each room. you could even make a snake lol now for this to work there would have to be a glue tool so you could make the object move as one. comment please a perfectly circular map,like a small planet with medium anti grav, you could walk around and really be in space instead of seeing it through a window submarine vehicle /water and land and sky vehicle. with weapons attacheds and mabye boosters. terrain >>>>>>>>> water,thunderstorm,rain,snow,clouds,grass,lava,dust{in air] sand trees,vines ****************************** custom games search engines $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ last thing i heard theres no covenant but,if you could make a gametype with playable brutes{normal},jackals{sheild} hunter{slow,but strong} grunts,possible flood ,drones(fast/flying real weak). that would be sweet :unworthy: add your own ideas keep it up so 343 will see
  11. dust that floats inn air kinda like the fog but you could make eygpt sand snow grass lava water and skulls to suit your bodie and blood idea
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