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Thel Lodamee

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Everything posted by Thel Lodamee

  1. Halo 4 Armour was cool but the downside was that everyone pretty much looked the same but with different colours.I honestly preferred the reach way of customization because you didnt look so much like a robot than a human. So maybe we could have all the armor from halo 4 and more, and have the ability to customize each bit for example, the chest could have: grenades, walky talkies, tactical pockets and small backpacks and this could be put on the base of a recruit chest, a scout chest you name it! I think they should bring back the Utility armor slot as well as the armor effects. And on a different note their should be a way to customise your own skins, and make you really stand out from the crowd!
  2. If you have played Halo 2 there were placable turrets that the AI placed. You, as the player could mount them but you couldn't place them where you want. As an ability you should be able to place down a turret in an appropriate place then use it until it runs out of ammunition. in halo 2 their was a covenant and UNSC variant.
  3. Simply put I want more big vehicles like dropships. As you may know already Halo 5 multiplayer matches will be able to contain alot more players thanks to the power of the XBOX ONE So this means bigger maps right? So if there are bigger maps surely you need bigger vehicles to transport people around. Watch 2:15 and more and you will know of what I mean big battle Bigger vehicles will not only make the game more exciting but it will add to teamwork by having people man some of the vehicles weapons. But its not just the big vehicles heres a list of what i want to see: (For some of the vehicles I have listed counterparts of each faction vehicle just in case we actually get to play as the elites). Moving: Pelican-Phantom Mammoth-Scarab Longsword and/or Broadswrd-Seraph Vulture-Lich Each vehicle has its strengths and weaknesses too Warthog(gauss)And/or Mantis-Locust Warthog(50cal)-seraph and/or brute prowler Warthog(Rocket as seen in halo ce PC)-Revenant Chopper And ghost-Gungoose(as seen at rtx i presume) Hornet-Banshee Scorpion-Wraith Shadow Falcon Elephant Stationery: Shade-mounted 50cal(like off the warthog) CovenantAA-UNSC Vulcan turret(The turret you have to re-arm on the halo reach mission ONI: Sword Base Mostly I want new big maps with different enviroments. These maps would be forge capable
  4. But to see this feature added in multiplayer. It could be like the old battlefront space battles. With one ship on each side and hangers, loaded with air vehicles with a specific role. The UNSC for example. The pelican could be the dropship and when landed in the enemy hanger people can spawn on it. Broadsword: your anti aircraft ship and the Longsword, the bomber could easily cripple enemy ship defences. This sort of multiplayer feature would easily work with CTF and slayer as well as a unique gamemode where the objective is to destroy the enemy ship. The Big ships would easily be a corvette and a UNSC frigate as they are not too big and they're literally a simalar size.
  5. As some of you may be aware halo 3 was going to have a massive space battle as seen in this video from mixmaker117 : the power of xbox one could easily make this possible and I would love to see this feature added.
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