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Everything posted by depressant

  1. I don't think you can resmeeze. If you can then I can double,counter smeeze. XXX
  2. ^ ^ Hmm....Probably this College Basketball game that my friend gave me along with another game. I don't get how to play sports games besides soccer, and that game was no different.
  3. Like P34nut/Banana said, a HUGE update is coming and hopefully it will fix things, if not, be patient as others have had the game since November/December. I'm not sure if everything has bugs, but if not, try to play some campaign or something. Hopefully one day MCC will be fully fixed.
  4. I'm on the top of the list!! Woo!!( I know there's no real order but still ) Thanks for the nominations, I didn't make it last time, but I'm really proud of myself for making it this time. And congratulations on everyone else who made it, you contributed and helped a lot this month!! And if you didn't make it this month, don't worry, just keep a good, happy, and joyful spirit and you'll surely make it next time!! :D :clap:
  5. The actors would have to fit just right, as we already know their voices, and I hope it's in relation to the games. I also hope it's not cable exclusive, because I don't have cable, and a movie based off the games would be cool too.
  6. I hope Firefight comes back because it was a great game mode. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!
  7. What's the biggest/funniest troll in-game, if any, that you have made? I'll take a truth.
  8. I hope firefight gets included in Halo 5 because that's a good way for non-Xbox Live fans to enjoy something other than campaign. Reach's firefight was fun, so I hope something like that gets included.
  9. I too want Elites in multiplayer, and the red/blue armband sounds cool, but it might be too hard to tell enemies from allies. But I think they should at least add more game modes where you have your own armor colors, like in Regicide because honestly, what good are armor colors if they always get changed?
  10. Yes.... Yang? Points to me for starting a new page.
  11. I dare you to write in this color for a week.
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