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Everything posted by depressant

  1. Patriots vs Seahawks!! Who do you want to win??

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      I'm a NY fan but I'm rooting for the Pats they've had a hell of a season

  2. Patriots vs Seahawks!! Who do you think w

  3. I too am an Elite fan and I think we should be able to play as them, especially with new graphics and armor. I wish we could customize each individual armor piece like in Halo 3, but the legs and arms to, and a larger variety.
  4. Like SD said, hopefully 343 would put a bigger if any penalty on quitting, and as they're still fixing MCC, you can tell them about that and they might look into it.
  5. It probably depends whether you make a headshot or not and where you shoot but I don't know. But it's a beta, so they'll probably fix it.
  6. Nope. Ash, since I can't remember or spell your new name
  7. Nice man, I wish I could do stuff like this. Feel free to make more and show us!!
  8. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat....? Anyways, I still predivt Caboose. Come on man!!
  9. Some things might cause this -make sure the hard drive is in -did you download the info from the second disc? -if offline, make sure both controllers are connected -clean the disk Hope yhis helps!!
  10. I guess hou should get the power weapond first Although from what I've seen, it seems like evrty match is one sided, probably a coincidence of good players. I think the beta is good, and for vibrstion, I like it because it makes the game feel more realistic.
  11. Nope. Btw, I got mine right Melody I predict Caboose.
  12. I liked Halo 4 and Reach armor custimazation, but I too am mad that a lot of cool armor sets that could only be accessed by buying pre-order, buying from Best Buy, buying from Gamestop, playing a phone game,and all that. I mean, you would probably need to spend like $200-$250 and end up with like 3 or 4 copies JUST to get all armor sets. Anyways, by looking at the beta, the armor looks great!!
  13. It's not unfinished. The Campaign is complete, there's multiplayer, and much more. It simply has bugs. Do you think 343i thought MCC was going to have this many problems? Also, people who are "pro" at a game doesn't mean they know more about it. There's books about Halo that people, myself included, that read and can learn from them. A "pro" player just means that they're better than someone else. And wether sprint belongs in Halo or not is an OPINION. No matter how many people say that it doesn't, it's an opinion because it's not a solid idea like, "The sky is blue". I am not really bothered by sprint, after all, Spartans are supposed to be super-soldiers, so they should be ablr to run.
  14. Halo is definitely changing, but it's not COD. In COD, with 2-3 shots and you're dead, and you're only human . In Halo, you havr shields and are a Spartan, therefore you should have "abilities". I do agree that some things aren't necessarry, like ground pound. I think Halo 5 is going good so far, though it is a beta, so things could change.
  15. Again, this is NOT 343. The updates are supposed to be helping and are not going to solve everything at once. Also, fixing a game takes weeks, even months, to fix, so it's not going to be perfect in 2 days. You should try- -resetting your console -clean the disk -wait -try later when multiplayer isn't so busy -be patient -keep looking Hope this helped, and feel free to stay here to talk with friends!!
  16. I honestly hate every game except Halo, COD, Minecraft, and GTA. Those other weird adventure, sport and other genres really don't make sense in my opinion. I mean, why play a sport game on a screen when you can play the real thing outside and stay fit?
  17. I'll take a dare from someone.
  18. You'll have to show me where it is
  19. Ima regret this but....DARE!!!! :P
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