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Status Updates posted by depressant

  1. It's so cool that you have music on your profile!! I got kinda scared at first. BTW, your birthday is 21 days away from mine!! (May 27)

  2. Just saw the preview for Halo 5 multiplayer. Can't wait for it to come out!!

  3. What's a caption contest? Do we just put a comment on the picture?

    1. Cooliest


      Just think of something funny to say about the picture that I posted. Whatever comes to mind really.

    2. depressant
  4. For the story contest, can we turn it in tomorrow?

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Submit it anytime before the 10th of November

    2. depressant


      Ok, thanks!! I got it in now!!

    3. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      Before..? but the event says "up to Nov. 10th...?"

  5. I like your profile pic! ! :D

    1. JackofAllWeapons


      I've got better pics, but the profile pic system says the better pics are too large.

  6. Are you Sparky, or am I confused?

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Um, this is JL. Sparky is PUNkin King.

    2. depressant
  7. Reached 100 posts!!!! Half way through my goal!!!!

    1. BerriesBoo


      Calm down with posts. xD

    2. depressant


      I just wanted to reach 100 before tomorrow. :)

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I still need over 200 more...

  8. Thanks to Pumkintacious for my new sig!!!!!!!!

  9. Thanks for the new sig!!!!!!!!

  10. Thanks to TheHeadlessAddict for my new signature!!

  11. Your profile pic is hilarious!! Great choice for Halo-ween!!

  12. Great profile pic!

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Thanks, took me some time ;)

  13. How do you get a lot of likes here? I'm just wondering because dome people have like 500+ and I barely have 5

    1. Buns


      When you make a post there is a "like" button on your post. If you made a good post other members will like your post


      (you cannot like your own post however)

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Make high quality posts

  14. Lots of people are talking about Destiny, now I wish I had it

    1. Melody


      Basically what I said, but yes I agree.

  15. Hello fellow Arbiter!

  16. Hi, I WAS Field Marshall Elite, but now I'm Arbiter747

  17. El Salvador wins 1-0 vs Honduras! Watched it live at the Cotton Bowl

  18. I keep getting in trouble for "reviving dead topics", so I was wondering, what's the limit of time to post something on a topic

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      It varies really, just use your better judgement when replying. A good measuring stick is about three months.

    2. depressant
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