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Everything posted by depressant

  1. This is the second time Church has been on the list I think. I vote Church.
  2. Nice gameplay, but I'm with Caboose on the music. Monatages should have some strong music with a drop and stuff like that. A song I suggest is Vanic X K.Flay-Make Me Fade. And timing is important too. The music should go with the gameplay. Other than that it was pretty good. And also make sure the clips are quick.
  3. I guess it would be okay to have Brutes, but I never was a fan of the giant monkeys I would rather have Elites all the way. Now the Flood, Schpy, do your sneaky work and release them!!
  4. The BR, SMG, and DMR skins kind of look like the Asiimov from CS:GO The skins look nice and weapon variants seem awesome. Too bad you have to buy like 5 copies of Halo 5G to get them all. They should make these attainable by achievements in game, but I think you said you could. I like the Assault Rifle with the Energy Bayonet and the Silenced/Suppresed DMR. I'm really looking forward to these.
  5. I think it could be like getting an achievement or something could unlock a Noble members armor. Like get 10 no scopes/snapshots in one game or a triple kill or 10 kills in one game with the sniper could unlock Jun. It could be something related to the character unlocks his armor and it should be something hard and not easy to do.
  6. Isn't this topic kind of old? Either way, I liked the Revenant and the Spectre and a new Covie vehicle would be great to see.
  7. Congratulations Yang!! Hope you enjoy your month in pink!!
  8. Oops, afk. I vote Cheap Plastic because only a piece of plastic could do such a horrendous thing.
  9. The Warzone breakable walls sounds like a cool feature. Hopefully forge will be great and involves a lot of variety.
  10. Welcome Pengu!! We could use some blodthirsty Penguins on the forum. We need a Penguin invasion.
  11. It's been great to have another friendly MoM and at only 3 months, it shows you have been active and positive throughout the forums. Great job Glitter/Farmer/Woman.
  12. Congratulations to all of you that made the list, and thank you for being friendly and active, and making the forum a better place.
  13. I like the new changes. It gives members other ways to reach a certain usergroup and new members can achieve higher ranks easier. I'm still phrple, but I like purple and hopefully with some time I'll reach Dedicated.
  14. Welcome back!! It's nice to have another old but friendly member come back.
  15. They should add a booting button or at least make a patch where if you betray someone you are punished for like 2 hours or a certain amount of time and the more you betray the bigger the penalty. I have heard people say that someone kills them like 5 times and then they kill them once and they're booted from the game. I think it's some sort of bug or something, but either way they need to fix the betrayal system.
  16. I would rather have the falcon instead of the pelican, but it would have been nice to have some sort of UNSC and Covenant aircraft in forge and multiplayer.
  17. It would be nice to have forgable Warzone maps, but like Twin said, the AI's cause it troubling to do and there might be bugs because of the large map. I do like the idea of doors and switches, or maybe even occasional map alterations like in Advanced Warfare.
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