Valkirye Company is one of the most realistic Milisim Clans out there.
-Extensive tactics
-Divisions Air Force, Marine Corp, ODST, Spartans, Spec Ops, ONI, Navy coming soon
-Meaningfull Extensive ranking system with rewards at certain ranks
-Engaging officers
-Relatively New Means theres a chance for you to earn a high position before the clan gets large.
Times running out enlist before its too late. Enlist Today In Valkirye Company,
-Message,friend, or party invite IOPS505 for enlistment, questions.
Today first marine Corp tryouts are today get in now they start at 12:00 (Mountain Time).
~We Come As One, We Fight As One, And When We leave This World, We'll Die As One.~
-Valkirye Company Motto
Commander IOPS505 Signing Off.